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It was a terrible night.. The sound of thunder scared the people in the kingdom... Because the war is ahead..

"P-please.. leave me" the boy pleaded.. handcuffs and chains are tied around him.. he wiggled his hands for release the chains he is whimpering in pain..

"You... DISGUSTING creature.. how dare you to talk back to me" the latter man growls at the poor boy..

"Please leave me.. what did I even do to you for locking me up in cell" the boy whispered not having strength to yell or fight back.. he was too exhausted to even speak

"What?? Are you asking what did you do??" He chuckled mockingly..

He grabbed the boy's hair pulling up his face..

"How dare the low life and also a boy like you to pull such a disgusting act on prince Jeon.. you think I didn't know you little love game.. huh!?" The man said..pure disgust showing on his face
The boy widened his eyes..

Did he heard it right..

Prince Jeon..
What is he talking about...

Did he also mistaken...

"ANSWER ME" he growled again.. the boy whimpered as the man tugging the his hair more..

"N-No.. no.. you m-must be mistaken sir...I never saw prince Jeon.. Not even once..."the boy taehyung said scared..

"You think I'm lying.." the man Jeon jungwoon the younger brother of King junghyun said with stern voice..

Taehyung immediately shook his head..
"Stop lying or else I will kill you right here" jungwoon let go of his hair..

Taehyung kneeled infront of him with crying face..  trembling on his knees...rubbing his hands together begging him.. for what?? he himself don't know he just want to clear the misunderstanding his majesty had..

"Please believe me.. it's not prince jeongguk it's-" a harsh slap acrossed on taehyung's face.. he fell back.. little bit blood oozing out from his lips..

"How dare you to say prince jeon's name from your filthy mouth" jungwoon roared..

Taehyung got up weakly still got on his knees.. bringing hands together... He feels dizzy..

"B-Believe me, Y-Your majesty. I'm not l-lying.."he said.. his mind was hazy.. he passes out the last thing he heard from that man slightly..

"I saw you both with my own eyes..stop lying you disgusting shit" jungwoon yelled and hits the poor boy's shoulder with his leg harshly that he fell on backwards completely passed out..


The prince's royal bodygard Park jimin was looking at his uncle Daehyun who's roaming around the palace worriedly..

"Uncle Daehyun" he call his best friend's father. Yes taehyung and jimin are best friends..

Daehyun ran towards him as he called..

"J-jimin have you seen taehyung.. I didn't saw him for a 3hours now"he said worried

"Uncle.. he is not your baby anymore.. he is big boy and brat, please calm down... He must be here in palace.. I'll check in and tell him.. okay.. you don't worry" jimin said sweetly..

Daehyun unconsciously nodded his head, thinking he must be playing around the palace.. he went back to his room..

Jimin sighed watching the man going away mumbling something to himself.. taehyung is only son for him he loves him too much..

Jimin walked to the balcony and peeked from the fourth floor and looked down for Commander in chief hoseok ..
When he saw the commander he took his walkie talkie..

"Hello.. hello.. Commander hoseok can you hear me!!" He watched the commander alerted and picked up his walkie talkie..


"Could you please come to 4th floor.. over!!" jimin said

Commander looked up at jimin, gritted his teeth at jimin who's waving his hand playfully...

"Roger"he said put back the walkie talkie and told his minion soldiers that he'll be right back and stormed out from there..


"How many times I have to say Minnie do not use walkie talkie for personal use" hoseok yelled as soon as he reached jimin..

"Come on hyung.. I called you here to say something important stop nagging at me.." jimin deadpanned..

He sighed at the younger's behaviour.. jimin and taehyung both were brats.. do the silly things and tryna act cute... He is so done with them..

"What is it!!?" He asked softly..

"Oh-yeah have you seen taehyungie"

"No.. Why?? Is there something wrong"

"Uncle Daehyun was looking for him earlier.. he didn't show up for 3hours, so he was worried about him.. I said he must playing around in palace to calm him down" he explained to the elder..

"What the hell!?? Where did he go at this time.. the war is going to start.. he can't be missing in this time Minnie.." hoseok yelled running his hand through his hair

Jimin panicked..
"I-I saw him last time that his was going to talk with rosie.." he remembered that taehyung said he was going to watering flowers and have a little talk with them..

"Let's go"


The garden was totally fine except for a little rose plant.. which is crushed down with a foot print.. the . The wings of the budding rose were crushed.. and the watering can has fallen down


3hours ago...

Taehyung was watering plants.. he completed his work watered the whole garden and at last he watered his rosie which is his favourite..

"Hey little rosie.. please grow up fast I want kookie to meet you" he smiled at the plant softly..

Suddenly someone grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up stepping on the poor plant..

Taehyung eyes teared up watching the rosie plant crushed down... Of course it is precious to him.. he planted it when he met his kookie the first time.. he wanted to show his kookie.. when it will bloom completely...

He tried to see the face who the hell dared to do this.. but grip on his was too tight..
"W-Who are you" he said trying to know what is going on..

The the grip was loosen he turned around and shocked

"Y-Your majesty".


So how's the first chapter..

I hope it's interesting.. and hope you liked...

And I want to ask you a question..

Who's your bais??

Love you 🖤

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