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Taehyung and hana was tied up to a poll trembling in cold temperature.. taehyung was had terrible pain in his head.. this happened always when he took any type of english medicine..

They both were suspicious that kidnappers gave food to them was so expensive and tasty.. they still ate, as they were hungry for one and half day.. and they felt really sleepy after that.. maybe they are too exhausted after whatever happened with them.. they slept for a while.. maybe for a long while..

As they woke up their clothes were changed in pretty and they were tied up in the room.. he wanted to scream at the thought of someone saw him naked.. before he thought, hana started screaming.. he was already had a headache.. it got more painful after hearing hana's high pitched screams and curses..

It feels better for taehyung now but the cold wind that hitting their whole body in those filthy clothes... He was shivering and weeping whole time..

Hana was so calm but whoever looks at her she was cursing and yelling at them to release whole time.. taehyung can understand her feeling the thing he can't do as a boy she was doing it.. but still it was little irritating for his situation.. he didn't said anything.. just ket quiet and whimpering to the bone wrecking cold...


Jeongguk's situation was worsen... He wasn't fond with cold breeze too.. even his bruises were stinging.. he was glad that he was fully covered by cloth because he was disguised.. but sungjae was covered in nothing but a simple thin cloth..

So jeongguk offered him his scarf to wear it, but he politely declined.. saying it's important to hide prince's identity more than his cold.. jeongguk felt bad to bother such a person in  this cold.!

They wandered around two three towns for searching taehyung they were exhausted so they stood by a food stall to eat.. and gain some energy.. they ate whatever available is there.. jeongguk wasn't picky right now.. but what catched his attention is plainly maded pine rice cakes placed on the table..

Jeongguk smiled looking at them.. those were taehyung's favourite.. he always made them for him and taehyung for Sundays..

"Here!! These are my favourite.." taehyung placed the plate of snacks near jeongguk

"What is these.. is they are some kind of candies!? They're so pretty" jeongguk exclaimed admiring those cutely molded snacks..

"No idiot! Those are songpyeon.. I just made it different and colourful.. taste it!! now it'll be favourite of yours too.." taehyung said sassily..

"Of course it'll be.. because you made it!!"

Taehyung's heart flutters at his words..

"They're so delicious.. very much.. you know" jeongguk said

"Thank you" he smiled shyly..

Jeongguk snapped from his flashbacks and told food staller to pack the rice cakes.. he wants to give it to taehyung when he met him.. he didn't knew if taehyung had eaten or not..

He completed eating his food and sungjae didn't.. he told sungjae to complete his food and told him he'll be waiting outside..

He stood near a bunch of people sitting on benches and having chit chat.. waiting for sungjae.. but unknowingly he eavesdropped those people's conversation..

"Yeah man!! This is so beautiful.. I want to gift this to my wife.. and her favourite colour is green.. so she'll be so happy.." a man said..

"Oh! This is really beautiful..You should have taken me to that auction place too.. I could've bought for my girlfriend too" another man said..

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