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Jimin was resting in jeongguk's room..
He was totally exhausted managing people who wants to see the prince Jeon.. and he was successful in made them believe prince Jeon is resting and not want to meet anyone..

And the same time he was worried about Jeongguk and taehyung.. even he don't know when they will be back.. or maybe or not..

Again a knock interrupted him.. he sighed went to see who is this now.. he lazily walked towards the door and half opend and saw yoongi there..

He immediately felt weird sensation in his whole body.. they just stood in silent for few seconds.. then the elder spoke..

"I want to see jeongguk.."
Jimin's eyes twitch and he immediately shook his head...

"No you can't see him now hyung"

"You are saying this from the day before yesterday jimin.. something is wrong and I WANT TO SEE JEONGGUK" the elder yelled at jimin..

Knowing his anger issues younger panicked.. what to say.. and do.. he couldn't find out.. his mind is chanting

What to do

What to do

He flinced and came out of his thoughts when the elder pushed the door harshly..

But jimin held the door tightly.. he gulped the lump in his throat.. took a deep breath..

"As I said it's prince Jeon's order.. you can't meet him until he agrees.. and I can't do anything.. please"

The latter looks at him in disbelief.. he stopped pushing the door.. he stood there for a second.. and he can't force him.. That to it's the prince's order he can't disobey.. he let out an irritated sigh with 'aish' and demanded..

"Fine!! Tell me the reason.. why can't I meet him!"

Again he watched a clue less jimin fiddling with his fingers.. he knew something was wrong.. and these two brats are stubborn.. he wants to know what's cooking between them.. in the room (not in that way nasties😑) he is concerned that they'll doing something maybe it'll all gone wrong.. that they couldn't get hurt.. don't mind him he's the oldest amongst them.. he just worried..

"Cat got your tongue.. I asked you something.."

Jimin flinced and looked up to him...

"Huh.. I-Its..  umm. T-The thing i-is-"

The elder sighed again gritting his teeth.

"That's it jimin!! Ain't buy this everything.. move a side.." he started pushing the door..

"NOO.. you just can't barg in hyung.. I won't let you" jimin was fighting to close the door..

"You can't fool me now jimin.. with out any reason.. why would jeongguk not meet anyone!! I said move a side damn it.. uhh"

"Ofcourse t-there's a reason!!" Jimin let  out holding the door tightly..

"Then tell me what is it.. why I can't meet him"

"You can't meet him because.. because he is.. naked"

Wth did I just said.. Jimin himself thought immediately..

Both widened their eyes.. jimin cursed himself because he didn't know why he let out that kind of lie.. and the other hand elder was bewildered.. what did he just heard..


"Umm.. yes?" Jimin said in confused...
He also scared that the elder would buy it this time or not..

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