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Taehyung was wrapping cloth around Jeongguk's wounds.. taehyung himself hissed at the wounds while aiding the wounds.. instead of Jeongguk who's unconscious.. right now..

"Here noona..I have bandaged the wounds, now you can give it back to them" taehyung gave the bandage roll to hana who gave to to the people who's staying at the choultry...

While they were on the way to the palace.. jeongguk was bleeding too much that panicked taehyung.. so they stopped by a choultry to stay and give the nessecary treatment..

"Here.. taehyung-shi!! There are some songpeyon (pine ricecakes) your highness brought it... You guys are must be hungry.."


He opened the parcel.. it was four big rice cakes are there..
Songpeyon it was taehyung's favourite.. he wondered Jeongguk still remembers.. he smiled himself a little at the thought of he bought songpeyon for him ..

"Thank you.. and You can call me taehyung.. no need to be formal and also can I call you hyung too!?" Taehyung asked sungjae..

"Y-Yes.. you can.. u-umm I think it isn't enough to eat all of them.. I'll bring some more food for you all.. um I'll be back.." sungjae blushing said and was about go.. but he stopped by the younger..

"Wait hyung.. here take this" he gave a rice cake to sungjae..

Sungjae hesitantly taked it..

"Thank you taehyung" he smiled at the younger..

Taehyung got back to his place as the elder left.. and he gave the rice cake to hana too.. they were eating it and chatting..

"So.. who is he to you" taehyung asked hana..

"Who" hana frowned...

"Sungjae hyung.."

"Oh.. him.. no one.. Why!?" Hana shrugged shoving the rice cake and looks at him with an awkward smile.. taehyung squints his eyes in suspension..

"Don't lie noona.. I saw you both.. you know.." he refers the kiss that he saw..

"Oh I thought you didn't saw that.. when we looked for you.. you weren't there.." hana defends..

"Unluckily I saw.. and now spill the tea noona.."

"Okay fine.. don't threaten me.." hana said to taehyung who just chuckled..

"I love him before my marriage.. and he loves me too.. as my family got to know about it.. they beat him up.. and forced me to marry some bastard who sold me to that asshole.. I let him go because my parents won't hurt him in any way.. as you can see, he's really shy and innocent.. I wondered if he ever live outside with this mych 'navie' ness.. I don't know.. but I've never envisioned about him to came back and save me from this, you know.." hana told her story with a red face.. taehyung was listening to her lovestory fondly..

"Do you still love him.. I'm asking it, because I saw, he really loves you so much.." taehyung said..

"I've never loved anyone else, beside him taehyung.. even when I got married..  I didn't loved my husband.. thought it was fate.. it hurts at the fact that I'm not with him.. I accepted my terrible fate blaming the god for my difficulties.. but I didn't stopped loving him,

You know when we love someone, if they wouldn't written in our fate to be with together.. that doesn't mean, our love for them would fade away eventually.. they just happened to be a beautiful phase in our life.. the time we spent with them..

We just move on with the world but, can't with the memories and feelings. We just couldn't move on in our love life with the other person who isn't them, it would be really hard"

All the time taehyung was looking at Jeongguk who's sleeping peacefully beside him.. tears prickled around his eyes while listening this.. and watching Jeongguk.. yes he accepted that he loves Jeongguk.. but it's forbidden to love a man.. and what's done is done.. and he has to accept his fate, even if it hurts, just like hana said..

He wouldn't care if jeongguk is a normal person.. that's why he somehow willingly fell in love with him, he wouldn't care about people or anything.. all he could care about his love.. he would choose to be selfish of his feelings, which leads him to come this far, but he won't do it anymore..

Because now Jeongguk isn't a normal person.. he is prince of Jeon palace... And he will be future king after his marriage
For his selfish love he won't destroy Jeongguk's life..

He wouldn't care if it's down about himself, but it's about jeongguk.. what would happen if people knows that prince Jeon Jeongguk loving a boy.. who's his servent's kid, what will his uncle king thinks about his own son, what will uncle king think about taehyung, that his very trustworthy kid, who always respectful him and the one who was proud of him, betrayed him with his own son..


He won't break king Jeon's trust, he won't break Jeongguk's future career..he will not be a thorn in his path.. he won't.. even he he be selfish in this by Jeongguk's love.. he can't see the consequences of Jeongguk facing all the problems..

It's not love when we knew it isn't right but we're still holding them with us, and when we knew damn well.. it gonna be hurt them in future.. we have to let them go..

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your beautiful history, but not a part of your painful destiny. And taehyung realised that,

Let him go taehyung..
It's just for all his good..


Another crappy shortie 😪 cuz I'm sleepy..

Have a good day..
Sry good night 🌃💕

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