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Still feels uncomfortable....

Shuffle~ shuffle~

"Ah.." taehyung jolted up from his sleep.. when his neck stiffened..

"Oh my God my neck.." he cried. He lifted his hand up to hold his neck but his hands tied from back..

"shit.. I can't MOVE MY HEAD.. it hurts SO BAD.. EOMM-" he abruptly stopped as he noticed a lady looking at him weirdly..

"Umm sorry for that- OUCH.. oh my god.."he tried to turn and say sorry to hear for disturbance.. but his stiffness pained alot..

He almost teared up

"I'm sorry for disturbance.. it.. it's hurts.. really bad" he said to that lady..

She just hummed.. muttering small it's ok after few secs silence she speaks...

"Can I try something??" She asked coming closer to him..

"H-Huh... What are y- ow" she tilted his head with her chained hands..

But nothing happened.. it pains more..
He is crying now..

"What are you doing.... it's hurting more now.. GET OFF ME!! Eommaaa..." He cried like child..
(A/n:- it's hurts like bitch!! I suffered it too😔)

"Don't worry.. relax your muscles a bit.. let me try again" she did that again

"No- oww..." Then he fell silence hung his head low after he tilted his head himself again

"Are you alright??" She asked...


"Hey I'm sorry if-"
She stopped when taehyung look at her sniffing

"T-Thank you.. *sniff* I-Its gone now.." he smiled

She sighed in relief and got back to her seat..

Now taehyung is fully conscious... He noticed the place..

It was an old room, covered with dust and spider webs.. the exit door was locked.. it's transparent door that he can see the out side.. it's definitely not his city.. but where is he.. how did he reached here..

All he remembered was someone broke the prison locks.. he thought it was jimin's men, but after they started dragging taehyung out he didn't trust the and he screamed and resisting to went with them after that.. he suddenly felt sharp pain back in his head and all he see was black..

Taehyung tries to remember after that but he couldn't..
And he again noticed the lady.. he saw the lady trying to unlock the handcuffs with a hair pin which he thinks probably hers..

But she failed.. he watched she threw the hairpin in frustration.. and she again crawled and took the pin again and trying to unlock..

Seems like she is not a person to who  gave up easily...

He thought..

"Hey.. which place is this!!  Why are we here.. A-and who are you"

Taehyung started the conversation.. she looked at him...

"Oh!! You finally decided to speak!! I was bored actually.." she speaks throwing the hairpin again..

"Don't worry.. I'm also from jeon's kingdom.. I was prisoned just like you..
our city was attacked by enemies or thugs.. I don't know who are they exactly.. and they took us with them"

Taehyung heart dropped at this..

"Why did they took us with them??"

"To put us in auction, and bid as workers or slaves"

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