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Jimin, yoongi and hoseok was waiting outside of Jeongguk's room..

They were looking at eachother's face.. and it was awkwardly silent..

On other side jimin was a little bit nervous, taekook were taking too long time to patch up.. he is fine with if they'd take their time.. but not in a situation like this wherein hyungs are waiting for them..

And soon he felt anxious that if something would be wrong, and he was lost in his 'what if's' thoughts..

What if something's wrong!?

What if they fought!?

What if they break apart!?

What if they made up!?


That's a good thing but, what if they don't...

"Argh... It's so irritating!!"
Jimin blurted out loud his inner voice..

He didn't realised he said out loud until hoseok asked
"What's so irritating Minnie!?"

Jimin froze and looked at hoseok and then yoongi who's demanding the same answer from him with his sharp eyes..

Jimin gulped scared of his aura..
And laughed awkwardly and said..

"Ha.. ha.. no n-nothing.. I'm alright.. see I'm so fine.." jimin said sheepishly..

"But you looked really irritated as you said before" yoongi pointed out..

Jimin sighed.. not showing the annoyance on his face he put a silly smile on his face.. ready with another excuse and a lie..

"Ah.. nothing hyung.. didn't we just got back to palace.. I need to fresh up.. this clothes are irritating.. yeah that's why.."

Yoongi looked at him in disbelief..

This guy..

Seriously.. at a situation like this..

Yoongi thought, he mentally noted the point, that he needs to teach some things that how jimin could be more mature..

"And hoseok hyung! Don't you need a bath too.. you know you stink!" Jimin added..

Hoseok widened his eyes.. and sniffed his armpits...
"B-but I smell fine tough" hoseok said with a pout..

"No hyung.. let's go and freshen up, what's wrong in taking a bath.. right!?" Jimin grabbed his arm and and tried to drag..

He just needs to get them away from here.. never know what would happen..

What if taehyung comes out crying after an argument.. what if we could go in his room if it would be late.. and see them in un seen situation, what if hyungs hear that they shouldn't listen.. so many thoughts wandering around his peanut brain..

"Let's go hyung.." he was about to drag him..

"ENOUGH!!" Yoongi said making them flinch..

"Enough of it and stop it jimin!!" He yelled at jimin's scared face..

He was tired of jimin excuses and dramatic behaviour of his lies.. he knows jimin too well that he is aware of his actions..

"W-What happened!?" Hoseok asked
Yoongi just sighed.. not wanting to explain anything because he thinks..

Explaining things to hoseok, and scolding jimin is a waste os time..

"Nothing! I just have to say something to you all guys.. remember I was saying earlier when you came to me.."

"Yeah! And you also said it is something important.. what is it!?" Hoseok asked remembering their conversation..

Jimin was listening to them like a third person among them..

He started to think when did they had a conversation, and he is also curious about it..

"What is it about? Why am i the one who didn't know about this" jimin said..

"That's why I'm stopping you guys.. no one will go anywhere until this discussion is over!" He strictly warned.. especially to jimin..

"And most importantly the first person should know this matter is Jeongguk.. he has the right to know"

Jimin jumped some idea popped up in his mind..


"Tell me taehyung!? Why did you kissed me!?"

"T-That was n-nothing!?" Taehyung cursed himself for stuttering..

But Jeongguk frowned at his answer..

"Nothing!! Was that just nothing for you.." Jeongguk said.. taehyung didn't said anything.. just stayed silent not knowing how to say..

"But you know, that was everything what I always wished for and I still believe it means something to you too" Jeongguk said with a sad smile and confidence..

The elder just stared him silently

While the younger spilling his unwanted truth.. that he is fighting to hide..

"No! It wasn't" taehyung snapped at him and screams lowly.. he felt manipulated just for second..

"It is.. stop lying taehyung! I can't handle it anymore.." Jeongguk said tiredly fresh tears building up for his eye lids..

Before taehyung could say anything a knock of the door interrupted them.. and the door slowly opened by jimin..

"Umm.. yoongi hyung has to say something to all of us.. and he also mentioned that it is important" jimin said waiting for their answer

They just stayed silent looking away.. none of them didn't talk.. jimin sighed..

" Well! Sorry to disturb you but, you took long time.. and I'm going to get them in,  hyung also said you'll be the first one to know about this important information.." jimin said to Jeongguk who's already glaring at him..

Jimin just shrugged and closed the door and went to call his hyungs to the chamber..


"Are you too okay!?" Yoongi asked taekook as soon as he gets in..

They just nodded silently.. all of them were present at there.. and stood silently waiting to listen what yoongi has to say..

"What is that important information.. and what is it about" Jeongguk asked..

And what he said was shocked all of them..

" It's about the Wang's.. I found their spy at our palace.."

"Wang's Spy!??"


Sorry for this shitty short chapter..
Thank you for reading
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