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Taehyung was resting in his room.. he felt like he was tired exhausted. He didn't wanted to think anything but the thoughts of clouds didn't let him sleep for few minutes until he cried.. he again cried pressing his face on the pillow..

Slowly he drifted to sleep, not knowing what was waiting for him after sleep..


"Your highness, we have something important news to tell you!" General min said,

All of them are present by the morning except prince jeongguk, he was afraid that King Jeon would notice his extra wounds that he got when he went save taehyung..

He got scolded by his hyungs but even they didn't wanted to know King Jeon about it..

"Proceed! What's the report" King Jeon replied..

Yoongi and hoseok looked at eachother nodded themselves and spoke..

"The person I've been suspecting caught red handed by me yesterday... With your permission I would like to expose him by arresting him right now" he explained what he witnessed yesterday..

King Jeon got surprised and excited he was waiting for this moment, who the hell is that person staying with them and stabbing their back..

"Sure! I will give you all my permission to get that person infront of me and punish them, did you arrested him already bring him to me" King Jeon scowls in anger..

"I didn't arrest him your highness, I couldn't because he is now in your chamber by your side faking the position of protecting you" yoongi said..

King Jeon confused where to the stares of yoongi looking at..

He slowly turned around and saw his bodyguard panicking at his place.. his eyes widened in surprise face got more angrier

"GUARDS!! Bodyguard Mark!! Arrest him!!" Hoseok ordered the security soldiers who were guarding the chamber..

They were hurried to catch him when he was trying to run away..

"Noo.. it wasn't me, King Jeon!! You know I was hired to protect you that's it.. I'm not the spy.. trust me.. I wasn't.."

"When did I even mentioned that you were suspected as the name of spy.. I already told king Jeon about it, but I made sure you weren't around there.. then how would you know that we were suspected and searching the spy" yoongi declared..

"T-That I got to know that from guards" he smoothly lied..

"Oh! Even when I warned all guards about you, you think they will spill about this, no one would ever dare to," hoseok said..

"I-I.. king Jeon they're portraying me into this.. I really.."

"THATS ENOUGH!! Enough of your excuses.. arrest him.." king Jeon said jimin and other guards quickly took him to the prison cells...

"Now what do we do with him, Prince Jeon will decide it, since he is taking responsibilities one by one, inform him about this and tell me what did he said" king Jeon said thinking about his son..

"About that! I've already expected this, that's why I've already told Prince Jeon about this,"

King Jeon nodded his head impressed...

"What did he say about the punishment"

"Your highness! He said instead of killing him it would be better if we would try to know more about Wang's plans and according to that we will forcedly inform them wrong information to mislead them..

Then we will have the upper hand
In this war.
But before that Prince Jeon asked for your decision in this, he also said this will be processed if king Jeon would agree with this"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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