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The war is going to be tonight.. king Jeon wants to spread his kingdom into the bigger one.. All he wants to do only is.. his kingdom will be rule whole Korea..

That's why he would make a deal with another small kingdoms, that they will rule the their small cities but the name will be jeon's kingdom.. he would bribe it, If they do not agree, war will be waged against them..

Just like the town of Han's...

They are going to do war against them and the war lead will be the prince jeongguk.. it's his first time for a war.. and he is too young for that.. his father told him to handle this war.. so that he can learn things.. Han's kingdom isn't that big.. it's a small traditional town.. Junghyun knew it isn't going to be hard.. yes he wants test jeongguk.. but he won't make it hard for his dear son.. so he tends to start with little. So that jeongguk would win against the small town of Han's kingdom..

Right now Junghyun is waiting for his son in his chamber...

Jeongguk was in his room spaced out thinking about the issue that this morning happened..

Early morning..

"Tae.. tae.. wake up.." jeongguk waked taehyung up by knocking window.. standing at taehyung's window not caring about he'll fall down since it is 2nd floor window...

Their as usual meeting is like this.. but today jeongguk was early morning at the window waking taehyung up..

Taehyung woke up by the knocking sound  and muffled voice.. he got up rubbed his eyes and look around in his room.. he widened his eyes when he spotted jeongguk at the window..

"Jungkook!!" He ran towards his window and opened the window door...

"Kookie!! What are you doing here.. in early in the morning.." he said opend the door..

"Would you let me in first.. or should I stay here.. and tell everything.." jeongguk said sarcastically.. he was trying hard to stand the tiny space at the window for long time..

"That's why I opened the door.. idiot come in" he tried to reach jeongguk's hand..

After he got in he immediately hugs taehyung.. caught up taehyung in surprise...

"Woah!! What happened... you're being werid you know.."

"Hmmm.. just let me be like this for a second.. I was really nervous"
Taehyung smiled wrapped around jeongguk's torso

"And why is that..." They talked still hugging..

"Because today is important day for me.. I wanted to see you first when I wake up so that's why I'm here early in the morning"

"What is the importance of this day for"

Jeongguk fell silent he can't tell him that he is prince jeongguk today his father gave the responsibility of the war lead..

"Uhh- that.. umm."

Taehyung pulled away from hug.. looked at him..

"What happened" jeongguk sighed he decided to lie again

"Ugh... Nothing.. you know today prince jeon is going to be lead the war"

Taehyung nodded his head knowingly

"Yeah!! Appa told me last night.. also he told me that it's prince jeon's first time that he is leading the war"

Jeongguk nodded his head

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