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"I... I love you taehyung.." Jeongguk said.. there was silence echoed for some time..

Taehyung didn't said anything, Jeongguk knew taehyung was expecting this but he didn't say anything.. because he also knows that this isn't the right situation for revelation..

But he was tired.. tired of lying to his beloved one.. he was exhausted of the guilty ness when he was lying again and again to cover up a lie.. 

Once you tell a lie, all of your truths are questionable.. he would always thought he would regret it one day.. he feared that he would lose taehyung someday.. when he got to know about the truth..

He was scared.. scared of losing his love, makes him want to lie again.. lying to him felt like less pain than losing him...

"You know.. I felt it when I first saw you in the garden.. you were talking to those plants.. I never thought I would fall for you in the first sight.. I've always admired you by watching from here.." he said pointing the balcony of his room..

"After 1 month I dared to come infront of you.. and you thought I was a thief, and after having a conversation with you i got to know you don't like to be friends with prince.. and I was in already in love with you.. I was afraid if I told you I'm the prince jeon you would never see my face again..

Then tell me taehyung.. that day when you first saw me in the garden.. if I told you I'm Jeon Jeongguk want to be friends with you.. would you accept me as a friend.. if I confessed you 'I Love You' as Jeon Jeongguk would you accept my love tell me tae.."

Taehyung remained silent.. he did remember that days.. he remembers that he said he didn't want to be friends with prince, and he was afraid of him.. but he didn't know that his revelations would make things turned out like this..

"No right.. then how would I'm supposed to-"

"but you gain nothing by doing this.." taehyung blurred out..

He is prepared to say what he has decided.. he's going to hurt himself with Jeongguk but he told himself..

For Jeongguk..

And his future..

I'm... I'm gonna do it..

"What!?" Jeongguk asked

"I would've accepted you as a friend.. but what did you gained by doing all this.. your highness.."

"What do you mean!?"

"If you would introduced your real self to me I would've been scared or won't talk to you but I would eventually come to you for apologise of my behaviour.. and would accepted a limited friendship with you.. but love.."

Come on taehyung.. just do it..

"Are you hearing yourself..  your highness.. how can a man would be in love with another man.. isn't it.. disgusting.."

Jeongguk heart broken into million pieces.. he can't believe what he was hearing.. he wants to believe it is a nightmare..

"W-What?" He was shaking in his place.. not wanting to take the words of taehyung in his mind.. he wants to believe it's a lie..

"Am I not c-clear.. I would never love a man.. I would find a beautiful girl and marry her.. I hope you would do the s-same too"
Taehyung said.. each one word he was saying is killing him inside same as Jeongguk.. taehyung choose to not show at the moment..

But Jeongguk can't handle the pain he was feeling.. each of his words was echoing in his mind.. and the thought of some other person between them made the pain become rage..

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