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Taehyung saw Jungkook is Jeongguk.. he knows it already.. it wasn't a whole ass breaking news to him.. he knows.. but his heart refused to believe it.. hoping that everything would be a lie, now he saw him with his own eyes, Still it wasn't enough for him..

Maybe he needs to hear the truth from Jeongguk's mouth.. or from jimin's would do too, but right now it doesn't matter about truth or lies.. in the life and death situation.. Because Jeongguk was on verge on got killed by someone.. anger rushed out all over taehyung's mind... Someone dared to almost kill his kookie.. his raging mind didn't thought once about how he got down to the action in the scene..

"GET OF HIM!!" Taehyung pushed the man with all of his strength.. that made the man stumble away back and the sword he was holding fell off, but didn't fell down.. he glared at taehyung who gulped well knowing that he can't even fight him.. but he isn't gonna stand there like a heroine who can't do anything hoping and encouraging the hero that he would getup and fight to save her..

He knows he's weak.. but he's not girl.. to sat up and cry... he gotta be man up and fight for him.. even if lose himself.. so clichè but will do for anything for his man once he loved him unconditionally.. taehyung took the sword that the man had dropped off.. he felt dumb when he didn't even know how to grab it.. still he managed to threatened the man with that sword..

Seems like he didn't succeed.. the man chuckled at the boy..

"Oh my sweet slut!! You think you can fight me.. keep this feistiness for the bed.. I might like it" he said and about to grab taehyung's hand but taehyung forwarded the sword that made the man's cheek cut a little..

"Don't come near me" taehyung warned again..
That made the man growl more onto him.. and he snatched the sword away from taehyung with a chuckle..

"Such a noob"

But taehyung didn't stopped he grabbed a stone from ground.. and throws at him.. it goes bumped straight to his head.. the man growled..

"How dare you" the man was about to attack taehyung with the sword, taehyung squint his eyes close.. praying his good angels to save him some how.. he oped his eyes when he feels heavy breathing sound near him..

It was Jeongguk..

He was holding the sword's hem with his bare hands.. taehyung can see his side profile.. his face was filled with bruises.. had an angry, killing expression that taehyung almost got scared.. he swore to himself that he ever make Jeongguk angry.. to see him as in such state..
{Too clichè.. I know, and sorry for this shit}
Jeongguk pulled the sword with is hand using most of his strength, and throws on the ground even his hand is bleeding..

"How dare you to touch what's mine.." Jeongguk growled.. and he kicked the man with his leg on his torso.. who fell down and about got up again.. but Jeongguk didn't gave any chance to him, he hovered him and punched him on the face continuesly..

"How fucking dare you.." he yelled and punching him to bleed with every word..

"How dare you to calling him with those disgusting names.."

Taehyung watched the horrific scene with soft cries.. within seconds sungjae and hana reached the place.. Hana was holding taehyung who's sobbing.. sungjae helps Jeongguk to leave the unconscious man who's has a bloody face all bruised..

Jeongguk pulled away in frustration wincing in pain.. yet screaming "how dare he"s serval times.. sungjae was calming him down his rage..

"It's okay!! Your highness.. he's unconscious now.. if you continue this he could be died at the place... Remember how and why, we came here.. we've to leave before he wakes up.. pleay"
Sungjae said softly explaining the situation.. Jeongguk panted heavily and immediately thought about someone and turned around to see him .

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