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Ignore the mistakes..

After having little conversation with his father, jeongguk immediately got up hissing and limped towards the curtain in his room and moved it weakly revealing half completed taehyung portrait...

He started painting intensely..He didn't even have the strength to stand still he wants to do it for taehyung..

It's almost going to be complete.. then there's a knock interrupted him on the door.. and there's a faint voice of jimin saying 'it's me', he sighed in relief..
He watched jimin came in.. it's not other person who didn't know about taehyung...

As Jimin came in and saw jeongguk in utterly shocked and disbelief.. he was painting in this situation...

"I would definitely compliment your skills if it was a normal situation jeongguk.. but are you seriously painting now!! Is it a time to do this things like this"

Jimin almost yelled again at jeongguk..
Jeongguk completed his painting.. he looked at his painting proudly... Taehyung's portrait was as beautiful as he is in real life..

"It still needs to dry hyung.. then I have to take this portrait and find taehyung.."
Jeongguk explained why did he painted taehyung.. and limped back sitting on his bed with the help of jimin..

Jimin was taken aback after listening to the younger.. it was awful.. that he didn't thought about it.. this was a good idea to find his bestfriend..
he was sad and couldn't focus on anything but him.. it's been two days he was missing.. he didn't know where is he, if he is fine or not.. if he had eaten or not..he badly want to find him..

"YES!! This would actually work out.. we will find him with his picture.. and this is.. so much beautiful" Jimin exclaimed admiring the painting..

"Thank you jeonggukie!! You seriously love him so much" he said his eyes were little misty which is unnoticed by jeongguk and offending him a little..

"I DO!! I really love him so much hyung!! How could you thought.. I don't love him 'seriously' "

Jimin scoffed at jeongguk
"Have you thought about your age!? Every one would thought it might be an attraction.."

Now jeongguk was highly offended..
"Hyung.. Love has nothing to do with age"

"But mostly teenage love is an attraction.. besides taehyung is 3years older than you!!"

"I'm NOT teen!! Okay! I'm twenty years old" jeongguk yelled and turned facing his back to jimin..

he's not a kid anymore.. it's really irritating that everyone calls him kid.. even his mom says that.. but that matter is in another way. He'll always be a kid for his mom.. but in taehyung's matter it is not any childish puppy love.. he'll find taehyung by himself and he promised himself he'll bring him back safely..

Jimin chuckled looking jeongguk sulky behaviour..

"Okay! don't be upset now"

Jeongguk scoffed
"If everyone thought it would be an attraction.. why did you even helped me at the first place.. why didn't you thought like that"

Jimin's smile faded..
Yes why did he helped him.. why..
Why did he took the most dangerous risk of his life.. whatever is happening with them, a slightest hint if the king found out, he'll be dead meat.. he was successful in keeping jeongguk's secret till now... What happened if king Jeon found out.. what will happen to him.. what will happen to taehyung and jeongguk.. maybe he'll get killed by king's men.. But something.. that stopped him to deny jeongguk's request to help him.. something.. he didn't dare to do.. when, he was in jeongguk's place in his past.. and he is thinking about it.. and he spaced out the waves of nostalgic memories flashed in his mind..

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