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"Wuh-Water.." the poor boy speaked...

It's night already that means... The prince Jeon and jungkook and also hobi hyung is not gonna be here.. no one is gonna help me..
The boy taehyung thought..

(Let me clear you already you saw in story discription.. taehyung thinks prince jeongguk and jungkook are different..)

"S-Sir please give me some water..." He asked to the one of guards..

The guard didn't respond.. he was told to not give any food for prisoners.. he was doing his job strictly..

Another gaurd is watching all of this.. his heart melted looking at the younger's state..
He walked towards the water pot which is which 4 steps far infront of them.. he filled glass of water and came back to the prison.. and about to give the water.. but the first gaurd stopped him..

"What are you doing.. we're not allowed to do that!!" He stated..

"I'm not giving him food.. just water.. if his majesty wants to kill him.. he would do that instantly.. he also probably wouldn't want this boy to die from hunger.."

With that the second guard forwarded his hand with the glass through the prison and. Placed the glass of rim on  his mouth.. since the was tied with cuffs

Taehyung hastily drank the water with the help of the guard..

"M-More" he was totally exhausted, want some energy to bare with this all shit.. he asked for one more glass of water.

The guard nodded and came with another glass filled with water and made him drink..

"T-Thank you.. so much" he said half bowing to the guard..


Jimin is walking through the roadways.. thinking where to find taehyung.. he had no idea..

He somehow managed to convince uncle Daehyun.. that he went to the war with his hobi hyung.. and hoseok is there to take care of him.. and he will totally be fine...

But he himself not convinced if he's safe or not and also worried about what the hell will happen to him when he caught up with this lie..he was fully spaced out thinking about where could taehyung be.. but a conversation of two guards snapped him out when the name of younger..

"Wait.. taehyung who??"

"Yah!! The boy who sang in previous  event on festival at Jeon palace!! Don't you remember??" The one guard stated

"Ohh that boy taehyung right who sang Arirang.. woah! God he sings so good man"
{Arirang is a Korean traditional folk song.. did you hear the BTS verson of this song.. it's so good..}

"But he seems so good boy!!"

The next words which the another gaurd said made jimin his eyes widened and shocked..

"Yeah! Even I don't know why that boy got arrested in prison"

Jimin stormed infront of them with dark killing eyes..

"What did you say" he roared..

They both flinched and shivered when they saw the royal bodygard Park jimin with fierce eyes..

"S-Sir. I-I"

"WHERE IS TAEHYUNG" he shouted making them more scared..

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