Thirteen ✨

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Taehyung and hana chatted sometime.. and after eating taehyung rested for a while, meanwhile sungjae was making a cart and attached to the horses..

Sungjae felt thirsty and they were out of water.. so he went to grab some water..
There was a water pot near the food stall.. he drank some water and he filled the water in his bottle.. thinking it might useful for hana, and taehyung.. Jeongguk hasn't back to his consciousness yet.. he hoped ASAP he'd woke up..

He was returning to the inn, but someone caught his attention.. he gulped

Commander-in-chief Jung hoseok..

Sungjae knows he's friendly and sweetheart among his friends.. but he is too passionate about his work.. he was too strict.. all of his soldiers are scared to death, if they did any wrong move.. because if commander Jung knew, the sweetest angel would turn into devil.. sungjae is a soldier too, he is scared of his commander Jung right now..

Because he was in this secret mission with prince Jeon and royal bodyguard Mr park.. he promised to not let anyone from the palace know this.. and probably commander jung had no idea, that prince Jeon wasn't at the palace at the moment, what if he saw prince Jeon here..what if commander Jung caught him, and ask him about what is he doing here..

Because he took a sick leave from commander Jung.. as we know the he's such a sweetheart {mah.. baby😘} he did gave permission.. he definitely don't wanna get caught.. so he immediately hide behind the food stall which is nearby him..

He was peeking at hoseok.. hoping he would leave from this place.. but hoseok walked towards the food stall instead..

His breath hitched when he met his eyes with hoseok.. and flinched when he felt a tap and almost scream from someone..

"SUNGJAE-AH!!.. you're here!!!" Jimin screamed in relief finally he found the man..

Sungjae was froze he doesn't had any idea, what was happening.. but he just scared to talk anything because of hoseok..

"I-I... Umm.. Y-yes.. i-i am, um.. t-that.. U-umm.." he was shuttering so badly.. jimin couldn't get it what was he thinking.. he was supposed to tell about the mission but he seemed like a thief who just caught off guard..

"What happened!! Why are you sweating..  you seem scared!? Sungjae-ah" jimin asked..

"I'll tell you Minne.. he probably scared because I'm here.. right S28!!" Hoseok came forward with a smile and wrapped his left arm around sungjae's back.. calling him with his soldier code name.. and he looked at jimin..

"And this guy took a sick leave from me.."

"Will you just stop scaring him for a minute.. and sungjae! Please tell me you succeed in this mission.."

"I-I.. yeah.."

"For god's sake.. he knows about the mission.. you don't have to be scared of him anymore.. okay!!"

"Yeah.. I'm not angry with you S2- *ehm* sungjae-ah.. you did great.. I'm proud of you.." hoseok declared making sungjae blush..

"Ok ok.. now can I know that you and prince Jeon found taehyung.!?" Jimin asked.. he was tensed and eager to know what happened..

"Yes Mr park.. we found your friend and he's safely with us.. and resting at the inn right now.."

"What happened to taehyung.. where did you found him.. is he alright.. he didn't get hurt right!?.. why are you not saying about him.. is he oka-" jimin was exaggerated and too much worried about Jeongguk and taehyung.. he just couldn't help but rant..

And hoseok was quick enough to calm the younger..

"Jimin relax!! He said taehyung is safely with him.. calm down.. okay.. relax"  after calming down jimin spoke..

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