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{I'm sorry for not updating guys I've been really busy, that I couldn't catch up with the story and couldn't concentrate. I've been writing this chapter for weeks, and tried my best to write this chapter as long as possible..

Comment on my story guys, it really  helps me, it made me more motivated to write :) }

Taekook and others reached the place secretly by the night time.. as soon as they reached Jeongguk's room by the window two guards are present there..
Jeongguk was startled.. almost thought that he got caught by his father's guards..

But luckily.. they weren't king's men but jimin's.. and he told them to guarding the prince's room till they'll be back.. and they came back soon more fast than they thought.. it was a great thing that they managed it perfectly.. jimin smiled..  finally everything is settled down now.. jimin helps Jeongguk to got in bed and tucked him down..

Meanwhile sungjae took hana to his house.. they both didn't climb up Jeongguk's window, and hoseok was totally against the climbing thing, but nonetheless jimin always made his way that he listens to jimin so he cleared his task, and now he told to jimin that he's gonna call yoongi and jimin's gonna be explain everything..

And he especially got warned by hoseok that it won't be good if he would lie again.. hoseok was about to go but taehyung asked him that he'll go with him, he didn't want to stay anywhere near jimin and especially Jeongguk.. but hoseok refused softly.. and told him to wait here till he will be back with yoongi hyung..

Now the maknae line was alone in the room.. jimin was tensed what would happen now.. taehyung was so so uncomfortable with the two persons.. this silance was so deadly.. and finally jimin broke the silence..

"What are we gonna do now.. I haven't told anyone about this because of you Jeongguk.. argh.. what to do now!?" Jimin said groaning.. not knowing what lie he should made up now..

"I told you already hyung.. taehyung was in danger because of me, it's all my fault.. and I'll fix it.. whatever yoongi hyung's gonna ask.. I'll answer him.. please don't worry" Jeongguk said..

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk when his name mentioned... Who was already looking at him..  He stared at him blankly.. he hated it.. he hated everything.. he hated the flutter of his heart, when he said taehyung's name from Jeongguk's lips. He hated the way Jeongguk was looking at him eyes full of love and adoration.. this shouldn't be happen..

Taehyung looked away... Not raising his hopes and emotions... He needs to be strong not weak for his kookie's love.. he can't give up now.. he needs to get away from here as soon as possible.. he straighten up his posture... And spoke..

"I-I need to go.. I want to see a-appa"

Jimin looked at taehyung.. and spoke in apologetic tone..

"Umm.. Uncle Daehyun isn't here taehyung.. he went to see Namjoon hyung.. the day before thugs attacked the city.."
Taehyung somehow relieved at the news.. he didn't want to go through the phase where he should explain the whole thing to his father now..

But the thing is he doesn't know if his father knew about him being arrested or being kidnapped..

"No, he doesn't know anything taehyung, I told him you're with hobi hyung all the time, I don't want to make him worry by letting him know that you're missing.." Jimin said, Taehyung stared at him for few seconds, he looks down and heavily sighed,

He also hated how Jimin could read him like an open book.. he hated the feeling that he is really effective towards Jimin and Jeongguk.. he felt like crying again.. he wants to forgive him and hug him dearly.. and wants to throw tantrums on him, for what happened.. but it's.. it's just not that easy..

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