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Jimin watched jeongguk climbing down with the help of sungjae.. jeongguk gave him a smile and waved at him bidding bye.. Jimin waved back, he sighed and went back to his bed aka jeongguk's and sat.. Thank God he didn't answered the question that Jeongguk asked him when he was about to leave..


"Hyung one more question!" Jeongguk asked..

"NO!!" Jimin instantly barked he doesn't want to give more information to jeongguk about him...

"Can I-"

"Stop right there"

But jeongguk didn't stop

"Can I know the name of the one you loved"

"I said.. no more questions! And I don't wanna tell you"

"Come on hyung.. you already told me so much, now tell this one too," jeongguk whined..

"I already regret I told you this much.. don't make me angry right now.." jimin said

"Fine atleast tell me Do I know him.. does he know me.." jeongguk asked more irritating the other..

"I DON'T KNOW.. couldn't you focus on your taehyung right now.. aren't you worried about him.."

Jeongguk sulked and leaves to the closet to change his clothes..


Jimin was relieved jeongguk didn't enquired further.. he was glad.. he doesn't want to remember the painful past that he was over after five years..

He doesn't want to remember that how when he excitedly went to confess his love to that man.. and how that man introduced a woman to him.. a beautiful woman as his wife.. and asked him to call her noona.. he does Not want to remember how he was devastated after knowing he was married to her.. he doesn't want to remember how the beautiful couple's kids called him 'uncle' with their cute voices.. He does NOT want to remember how much pain he hided infront of them while his heart was bleeding, he don't want to remember anything..

And there's a knock on the door snapped him..

He took a deep breath and put a smile on face ofcourse it's fake.. he have to act right now about Jeongguk's presence and he went for it and he opened the door... Just to see the last person he wanted to see on earth right now.. his face drops as he saw him..

"Oh jimin!! I came to see jeongguk!! I didn't visited him since he came back from the war.. is he okay.." the man said

Jimin just looked at him blankly..
He was trying to hide the same feeling the he had five years ago..

"Jimin" the man snapped him again..

"Ah! y-yeah! Jeongguk is resting hyung.. he doesn't want to meet anyone today..."

"Oh.. then I'll meet him tomorrow then!"

Jimin nod his head smiling a little...

"Well then I'm heading home.. it's late your noona must be waiting for me.."
That man said and that made that little smile wash away from his face..

"And yeah!! I forgot to tell.. she was continuosly asking about inviting you and hoseok for a dinner.. you must come.. I'll tell hoseok before heading home.. is today is okay!!"

Jimin forcefully gulped the lump in his throat..

"I'm sorry yoongi hyung I can't make it today.. I have to take care of jeongguk.. you can invite hoseok hyung.."

"Ahh~ come on jimin.. yeona will be happy to see you.. she misses you alot.. if not today.. maybe tomorrow or day after tomorrow.. you have to come with hoseok.."

Jimin bit his lip nods his head..

"So then I'll be leaving!" He forwarded his hand..

Don't.. jimin thought..

Jimin closed his eyes tightly.. yoongi ruffled his hair.. he knows the elder always do that.. that's where he felt butterflies dancing in his stomach.. just to drop after he left..

He hate this feeling..

Jimin shut the door close instantly as the elder left..

He pressed his hand to his mouth harshly.. to not let out his sobs loud.. he dropped himself on the ground he cried..

He cried all night.. just thinking about one thing..

You digged up my healed wounds jeongguk..


Short chapter :)

Because I'm tired 🥱🙂

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