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~:Jeon palace:~

"May I come in your highness king Jeon!"
Yoongi asked king's permission to enter the chamber...

"You may come in general min, what's the report!?" King asked, as yoongi enters the chamber..

"I've said to our trusted men and workers strictly, enquire about suspicious people in our palace.. they found out few.. but none of them was the spy of Wang's, your highness.." yoongi said..

"Hmm.. what did you do with the suspicious people.. why did they caught suspicious.." king asked not wanting another problems with another people to harm..

"Some of them were here for steal  things from palace, and some of them were innocent.. and I made sure those thieves get prisoned" king hummed in response

"Find the spy as soon as possible Min, we've less time to decide anything.. we've to find the motive of Wang's.. we've to make move, to make deal with Han's"
King spoke.. the tension and restless worry in his eyes were saying more than what he spoke earlier..

King was worried about him getting old, and Jeongguk taking responsibilities.. he was so much into handling his dynasty, that he couldn't give his time to his family, he was finally going to be retired from his position and giving it to Jeongguk..

And besides crowning Jeongguk as a king, there's another responsibility ahead for his father.. all of thoughts was mixed in his mind and made him more weaker.. so he choosed to let it be aside for now.. he might think about it later, but right now the important matter is Wang's involvement in their deal.. he need to find their motive as soon as possible..

The only one could give that information is their spy.. it's been 4 days, still couldn't find him.. it was so frustrating..

"I'll find him, your highness.. infact I've already suspect someone.. but I'm not gonna say the name.. because I'm not confirm.. if I come out wrong, they might feel insult for accusing them.. Till I'm not sure they're the one.. I can't say anything.." yoongi said remembering from what he had observed something suspicious from a certain guy..

"Are you sure what you found is related to this matter Min!?" King asked..

"Yes!! Your highness!!"

"Great! Can I know their name.."

"I'm really sorry your highness.. I can't say now.. I mean right at the moment.." and he moved closer to the king before bowing to him due to the respect towards the king.. for invading his personal privacy.. and whispered..

"Because, if I'm correct.. they might be hearing us.." and he came out of his personal space and again bowed..

King's eyes widened.. he felt weirdly scary someone is stalking him and listening their conversation.. and but quickly he composed himself as he knew nothing happened..

"I see!! You're doing well general Min.. find them as soon as possible" he said..

"Sure, your highness, now may I take a leave!?" He asked..

"You may go!!"


"JEONGGUK!?" The voice of jimin echoed in the whole choultry.. as he runs to Jeongguk...

"SHH... Hyung.. stop yelling my name.." Jeongguk shut him up emphasizing the name thing..

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