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Jeongguk was laying on the bed unconscious...

He didn't wake up since he was back from the war.. doctor gave treatment for his serious injuries.. he didn't got consciousness yet..

The moment he got conscious, he asked jimin that where is taehyung.. he didn't get answer instead he got jimin's weeps..

And he got to know about how jungwoon arrested taehyung and how thugs theft whole city and prisoners..

"Why the hell did they take taehyung with them!??"

"I don't know jeongguk.. it was unexpected at that time.. the attack and.. I even can't understand why did they take prisoners with them. As yoongi hyung said if they are our enemies.. they would've attacked our people not theft without harming them.. there must be a reason behind this"

Jeongguk ran his hand through his hair..
He was already frustrated about the war.. there was just silence for few seconds..

"Jeongguk!! did you meet taehyung without knowing any time recently" jimin's voice was stern..

"I-I... I-It was the day I went to the war.. early morning I went to meet him.. I thought you might be sleeping!! A-and-"

"What the hell jeongguk!! Then your uncle must've seen you both.. how could you be so careless!! If you didn't do that stupid thing, your uncle wouldn't have seen you!!
And he wouldn't arrested him.. taehyung would have been with us today!!"
Jimin yelled at him... Jimin sat on the nearest chair closed his face with his hands.. calming down from anger

Jungkook knew what he was saying is truth.. he should've been more careful jungwoon wouldn't caught them..

"I'm sorry for being careless.. hyung but for uncle jungwoon!! He will pay for this"


Junghyun was in his chamber..
Spaced out.. hoseok told him that jeongguk's deal with han's..

Jeongguk cleared all of soldiers of Han fighting with them.. he got injured a little.. after few attacks.. still he was better enough to reach the king from his soldiers.. he came forward to king han.. he placed his sword side of king han's neck.. since he still hadn't accepted the deal of jeon's after so many offers and trails.. he thought he could scare him, if he got attacked he might knock some sense in his head.. and also he actually didn't want to kill him..

"See it wasn't easy for us to kill you and occupy your kingdom.." jeongguk smirked and removed the sword for the elder's neck and who's looked scared to death after messing with jeon's continued..
"But know that we won't do such a thing.. yet!!" He said emphasized thr last word
"Try to understand king han!! If you accept this deal.. so many profits in your service..We will ensure that nothing is less for the people in our kingdom..There is nothing that we lack of.. Your kingdom will be in our name.. you will rule the town.. we will fullfill all of your needs, requests and requirements" he completed the his request.. voice was full of temptation..

He stopped by prince Jackson Wang

"Stop it jeon!! How pathetic you can be" jeongguk cocked his eyebrows

"Stay out of it Wang.. I don't know what you actually want from king Han.. and me and all people knows you won't help anyone without any profit.."

"Come on prince Jeon!! But right now nothing is profit for us more than wealth of Han's" the man who stood beside Jackson

"Oh really.. teach your prince that atleast respect the elder kings of other kingdoms" jeongguk said to Wang's general mockingly.. and he turned to king han..

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