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"Who are you.. what are you doing here. I've never seen you here before.. why did you came here-" taehyung was nagging continuesly.. until Jeongguk pressed his hand on his chattering lips.. both of them feels Shivers at the touch.. the touch of elder's lips makes him all giddy inside, and that's when jeongguk realises his plump lips so soft that ever he could imagine.. their faces were close, that they both could feel eachother's breathing..

"you really talk a lot.. huh.. now will you let me speak a little too.." jeongguk husked out..

Taehyung pushed him nat making the eye contact..
"Fine speak.. and d-don't come close without saying anything" taehyung replies with a red face.. jeongguk backed out raising his hands up with a hum and letting out an 'okay' from his mouth..

Jeongguk didn't know what to say... He acts so cool from outside.. but inside he was screaming out nervous.. he is preparing something like from where do his start..
What do he say.. then taehyung decided to speak..

"I've never seen you here.. are you new here"

"Uh.. do you know prince Jeon" Jeongguk hesitantly asked..

"Yes!! I heard about him alot.. but didn't saw him though.. I'm scared to see him"

Jeongguk has his brows twisted in confusion..

"Why.. did he scare you away!?" he asked by any chance did Jeongguk do something unknowingly that scared taehyung.. he wasn't sure that why was he scared.. he wants to know..

"No I mean.. he's the future king as you know.. if I angered him with my clumsy ness I'll be dead meat.. although, all of their higher positions workers are my hyungs and also prince Jeon's friends.. but still I don't want to meet him.. I don't know, if he's as friendly as like uncle king.. or not.."and he continued ranting all about his thoughts..

Hearing this much thoughts.. Jeongguk gulped.. all of insecurities hazed over him..

what if he knows I am prince jeon..

how would he react!?

Would he sacred of me and ran away..

no Jeongguk didn't want it..

"Wait!! Why I'm saying all of to you.. and who the hell are you.. and why are you stalking me!!?" Taehyung snapped Jeongguk out of his thoughts..

"M-me... I-I'm.. ugh" he was shuttering and didn't know what to say..

"TELL ME! or else I'm calling guards here.." taehyung warned making Jeongguk panick..

"H-Hey wait.. I a-am new here.. yeah m-my friend help me to came here to work for prince Jeon..
I was lost a bit.. I didn't know where to go.." he hastily made up whatever he came up in his mind.. made the elder shuts up for a second..

Jeongguk let out a nervous chuckle when taehyung eyed him doubtedly

He looked down to see his clothes are normal.. he thanked God by saving this time.. he was already wearing normal clothes rather than expensive silky clothes which make him always uncomfortable..

"What your name!?" Taehyung asked

"Jeong-" he immediately slapped his mouth.. what the hell he was just about to say??

"What?" Taehyung uttered..

"I mean.. uh.. My name is j-jungkook.. yeah Kim jungkook" he shutters again..

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