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Taehyung was nervous, the tone younger used before was unusual, it somehow scared taehyung, it was already too much for Jeongguk being prince to taehyung, and now this angry, and grumpy/stubborn side of prince, even Jeongguk knew it was unexpected from him, he would never scream or yell at his hyungs..

Although jimin didn't mind anything he was glad he doesn't have to lie an excuse anymore.. and ofcourse it won't really matters what Jeongguk say to him, he would always love the younger as his little brother.. so he happily let himself dragged by hoseok earlier..

Jeongguk watched taehyung stood silently  he was guessing that taehyung would definitely won't come to him, so he decided to get up from the bed, taehyung watched Jeongguk got up from his bed, he tensed when Jeongguk was trying to get up and coming towards him, and immediately frowns and ran towards him when Jeongguk dropped down with a thud...

He crouched down to Jeongguk and help him to get him up on the bed, the younger watched the frown wasn't leaving from taehyung's face.. when their eyes met taehyung was immediately about to say something but stopped when he saw Jeongguk eyes were looking at him fondly...

He felt goosebumps.. his heart was beating fast.. something was happening in his stomach which he can't explain.. but he could feel it wasn't negative..

This shouldn't happen..

He immediately took his hand away from Jeongguk looked away awkwardly.. he thought he can't stay here anymore, he shouldn't be betrayed by his heart anymore..

"I-I'll take my leave t-then!" He said with looking anywhere else but not at Jeongguk..

Not again..

Jeongguk thought.. he swiftly grabbed taehyung's hand and pulled him towards him,. Which makes the elder yelp and almost falls upon Jeongguk.. but taehyung's luck he holds the edge of the bed and saved himself from falling upon him...

But again when their eyes met.. faces were inches gap.. Jeongguk watched taehyung closely.. he is just gorgeous as before he first saw him.. besides that he looked tired, eyes were red, lost in Jeongguk's eyes.. the younger felt a pang in his chest...

Jeongguk cupped half of taehyung's cheek.. and said...

"Tae.. please.. please don't runaway again this time.." he closed his eyes and connected their foreheads together and continued..

"Let's talk.. I need it.. you need it we both.. need a conversation.. please" Jeongguk said emphasizing pleasing word..
That made taehyung close his eyes too and tears flowed which he was holding from before Jeongguk was saying from the start..

Taehyung cried silently.. he couldn't do it more.. he tried so much to not get convinced by him..
Not give in.. not listen to any other excuses and more lies by him..

But, this guy, who's infront of him, did something with his his presence and proximity.. that taehyung had calmed down.. he  began to cry.. and let his heart betray him to give in.. he was trying not to cry but failing continuously..

When Jeongguk noticed this.. he detached their foreheads and wiped his tears..

"Don't cry my love.. I'm sorry.. I can't see you cry.. don't cry.. it h-hurts" the croaked voice of him made taehyung more cry.. he began to sob when Jeongguk hugs him..

Seriously he can't imagine how much taehyung had been through, what did he felt.. he had no support beside him..

Hugging him, felt like Jeongguk had got back something he lost..

"I'm sorry.. so sorry tae.." Jeongguk said making taehyung out of his  trance..


taehyung stopped crying and he pulled himself out of his hug.. and stood properly.. he wiped his tears.. Jeongguk watched him confused yet curious mind..


Aren't we good now..

What happened again...

"Why.. what are you sorry for.." taehyung spoke sternly.. more like rudely.. Jeongguk slowly got up and stood up straight to taehyung their eyes met again,

"For everything.. I'm sorry for breaking my promise that I would protect you from all bad in the world.. I failed protecting you.. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.. I wasn't beside you when you needed me the most, I'm sorry I thought Jeon palace was safest for you.. but when a Jeon family member has troubled you.. and I wasn't there.. to support you to protect you.. I'm sorry for being late.. by the time I reached for you.. you were a-almost.." he couldn't say more.. Jeongguk can't even look in his eyes he was ashamed to continue..

"I-I'm sorry.." Jeongguk looked down...

"Is that all.. which you were sorry for.." taehyung asked..

Did I mention that both were crying while the conversation.. Jeongguk was crying can't bare the guilt in his chest.. and taehyung was crying at the things that Jeongguk was saying...

It's clearly wasn't Jeongguk's fault.. he wasn't aware all of things.. still he was apologising.. but he wants to know why did he lied about his identity..

Jeongguk shook his head at the question..

"I-I'm.. I'm sorry for e-everything.. forgive me" he let out.. taehyung nodded his head he got his answer..

"Please don't.. don't apologise your highness.. I'm.. I'm not in a place to forgive you.. Prince Jeon shouldn't ask forgiveness to a mere people like me.. I apologise for crossing my limits with you.. please forgive-" taehyung said bowing a little...

"Stop tae.. please.. don't call me that.. don't say like that.. it makes me feel you are separating yourself from me.. you're not other person taehyung.. you're.. you're my person.."

"But I don't know you.. you're.. you're completely stranger to me.. I never knew who were you, even your name.. all I know was a lie.. my whole life was in a lie.."

What taehyung said was true.. he made his kookie his life.. now when he got to know his identity was a lie.. he doesn't want to know what to believe..

Jeongguk hung his head low he sighed as he want to declare something.. the he looked up at taehyung and said..

"Yes, I lied to you.. I'm sorry.. I apologise I lied, that I'm Kim jungkook, I'm a soldier of Jeon palace.. you want to know why!?"

Taehyung's heart beating faster.. he knew what he is going to say..
He breathed heavily.. it's was going to come.. it's really happening.. he's going to say it..


He never thought it would be happen in this situation, he didn't want to hear the confession in a situation like this.. before he could say something..

"I... I love you taehyung"


Hello, readers..
Sorry for short chapter and late update again..

I also apologise for the new update that 'Mi Amor' will be continue with slow updates...

Thank you for all those readers who added 'Mi Amor' in their reading list..

Do votes and give your support..

Have a good day 😊💙

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