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Thank you so much for all those reader who added this book in their reading list.. I'm really thankful my book is yet to getting near for 1k..

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If someone who's in love, what would it be like, we saw the love in their eyes, the spark in their eyes met, the happiness when they are infront of eachother's, the care they feel for them, the desperation, when they missed other's presence.. the love in their eyes,,

That's exactly hana watched in jeongguk's eyes and taehyung's eyes,
She was looking at taehyung who froze with widened eyes,

"Taehyung, do you love him!?" Hana asked again.. but the younger still didn't respond.. hana squint her eyes.. there's a saying.. silence is hypocrisy.. does they really..

Hana let out a shocked gasp... Which made taehyung flinch, taehyung looked at her, he was silent assuring her that she was right, taehyung regretted it instantly.. he wanted to protest, but he couldn't able to lie..

"Taehyung, oh my god!!! Really, Y-You,, P-prince.. OMG... SERIOUS-" she almost screams..

Taehyung jumps at her to shut her mouth..

"Please noona, shut up, it's nothing like that" taehyung whines lowly..

Hana forcefully removed the hand from mouth..

"I'm not taking it, enough of your lies, and WHAT THE FUCK!!.." taehyung winced at the loud curse..

"Noona! I said it's nothing like that, he's just my friend, and-" he immediately cut off by hana,

"Oh please taehyung.. I just told you, to not lie, and if it's true, you wouldn't be silent at first..!" She pointed out..

True, taehyung didn't wanted to lie at first, he genuinely do, but after seeing her reaction he immediately regretted it,

"N-Noona!! That's-, You.. I told you I-Its complicated.., that's why I-" he cut off by another loud gasp, with an curse on top..

"Oh my fucking god.. that means it really real.." she screamed..

Taehyung groaned silently.. signing her to shut up with his fingers.. meanwhile hana was shocked, not at all caring about taehyung's reaction.. she was pacing around the room, back and forth.. she stopped correct infront of taehyung

"Oh my god, taehyung-ah... I was just guessing it, and hoping it wouldn't be true.. and what the fuck was that.. Oh my god.. this is.." she stopped saying..

Maybe taehyung can guess it what she was about to say..


She was again pacing around..

Taehyung felt his heart drop.. he just felt that, hana just scolded him, he thought maybe she would hate him now,

he wants to laugh.. a bitterly laugh.. for not only her, but all the people who would thought loving same gender, is a sin, yes, he definitely didn't thought hana would accept the truth, but he did not expected her to lash out out, like this, all of his dearly close people kept betraying his trust, making him more pathetic...

All he just wants to dig a pit and cover himself to disappear and not come back again, he felt unwanted, unloved he wished he wouldn't be supposed to born here, he wished he would born in where the people exist, who loves him and adore him, for who he is..

He felt like a heavy rock placed on his heart... He felt like he wants to cry again.. if not the pain, it would gone worsen.. he turned around to hide his emotions.. he instantly shed silent tears, sobbing while not making a noise.. he felt like he's alone.. there's no person that he could trust..

A sniff of his silent sob made hana out of her thoughts and shock.. she froze when he saw taehyung turned back and crying softly, her heart clenched.. watching the playful younger, the worst full situation when they were kidnapped.. he was in the vulnerable situation.. hiding tears..

It's not like she never saw him in tears, oh god not to mention he cries alot.. that she would name him, a cry baby.. but the matter is he wasn't alone back then, he was with her when he kidnapped, he was with royal friends when he cried earlier... But now he was hurt, because of her..

To be honest, she was shocked and felt werid of this truth, she couldn't able to understand and almost disgusted, but she didn't wanted to say out loud.. she sighed.. and thought for a while about taehyung, about Jeongguk and their love, it seems genuine like her and sungjae's...

She tried to think about taehyung's situation.. in his pov.. what if she was a male and fell in love with sungjae.. would anyone accept it.. hell, no..

She slowly went to taehyung and placed her hand on his shoulder.. she watched the younger flinched and wiped his tears.. he awkwardly turned around, avoiding eye contact and spoke..

"It.. it is the t-truth noona.. I-I didn't want to lie, it's really okay.. if you don't wanna talk to me ag-" he cut off by her bone crashing hug... He really tried not to cry while speaking..

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry taehyung.." she said while crying, taehyung got it.. it was just a pity.. he absolutely hate it but, he really needed a hug a support and shoulder for a heartful cry to let out his pain.. so he cried along, with her...

After calming down she told him, it wasn't a pity apologize but a genuine sorry, for once, she thought badly about it at starting, but afterwards she tried to understand it.. and she's totally fine with it.. and she supports it, and taehyung told about his story about jungkook and and he got to know about the truth and jimin's betrayal.. etc..

Meanwhile hana was too much shocked that the other side of Prince Jeon.. she couldn't able to believe that the same person who fought like a beast with those bastards, be the same as romantic as taehyung said just now, but the situations that he went through, she can't imagine how terrible it could be, all she wants to do is support for taehyung what he wants to do, afterwards..

"What are you going to do taehyung" she said wiping his tears, though he wasn't crying, but his tears eventually rolled out from his eyes, as he explaining his side of story..

"I don't know.. I would have accepted him maybe he wasn't prince, I don't wanna ruin his name noona, I hate it, that I'm gonna break his heart, I don't know how would I be at peace afterwards, he.. he means so much meant to me, it was like.. I'm... I'm... Addicted to his presence.. how I'm going to avoid him.." she wondered how can he talking so calmly when this much pain in his heart..

She couldn't say anything to him, the pain he was went through, it was a phase of her life too.. she can feel it, the pain when we left someone we love for their good, she is the one who left sungjae, when his father warned her to kill him if she didn't agree for the marriage that he arranged.. she choosed his life, over her happiness, just like taehyung choosed honor of the future king, over his happiness..

"All I would say is stay strong taehyung-ah.."

But little did she know he was tired of being strong..


Hope you like the chapter..
I'm gonna warn you guys..
Grab your tissues for next chapter..


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