Chapter 3 - Teacher

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The communication with Michael in the past years had been so unpredictable that I wondered if we would see him again. Hasty emails in which he copied everyone told tales of places I've never heard of in my life, even though I'm a history teacher. I've seen my share of the world, but always in a planned and organized way. I found his adventure quite reckless, but I'm glad he's back and looks unharmed.

I hope seeing some of the world has blown some maturity into him. The moment he started college, he lived a crazy life filled with temperamental decisions and a parade of men. I don't know if things have changed, but at least the man next to me in this elevator looks calm. I missed him because he understands me and we have some things we like in common. He's been more of a brother to me than Tristan, who I barely see anymore even though we share an apartment.

"And if you are not too busy, I could use a hand cleaning my bedroom." 

I give Michael a quick look and his puppy eyes, the color of the ocean, beg at me.

"Always a catch with you. I'll fix myself a quick lunch and will head downstairs."

"It's a plan. If you bring your food, you can join us for lunch. I brought some sandwiches for Jordan and myself."

"Isn't that apartment full of baked goods from Luke? Why are you buying sandwiches?" I say as he walks out the elevator, but he only laughs, leaving me wondering.

Once at my place, I put the groceries away on the almost empty cupboards. Usually I eat at school and Tristan cooks light meals in his office or eats at one of the restaurants in the zoo. Following my cousin's idea, I make myself a sandwich, then use the stairs to head to their apartment. He opens the door, and I see they are just opening their sandwiches on the crowded table.

"Hello, Jordan." I shake hands with him before I pull a chair to join them. For lack of space for putting my sandwich I leave it on my lap. "When's the boot coming off?"

"Next week, hopefully. Then I have to start physical therapy, but I believe I will be able to walk normally again without it. I was just telling Michael that I had Justin on video call and he was babbling about how sorry he is and that if he could drive, he would bring me places. I know this will sound mean, but his guilt is satisfying. I hope he learned the lesson that throwing a tantrum because someone says no can have consequences."

"Gianna told me he's quite traumatized by the whole thing," I say. "He never thought he could hurt you. You are his hero."

"I love my little brother and I know he didn't hurt me on purpose. He needs to understand that what he did was dangerous. He broke my foot, but reckless driving could have ended with him getting hurt, or worse."

"You are quite right. I read your emails, Michael. Were the stories real or you made them up?"

"They were real. I met interesting people..." He becomes pensive and shakes his head. "But yeah, I saw a lot of places, tried many foods, some delicious, others not so much." He grimaces. "And learned the value of toilet paper."

Jordan almost chokes on his drink while I smile, even though I don't get it.

"Do you know anything about Luke's plans to open a bakery?" My cousin asks me.

"Not in detail. Luke and I don't really talk like you and I. I overheard him talking with Tristan and I think it's a bad idea. He will need a lot of help and is already frustrated due to all the red tape and paperwork for the permissions. He said to my brother that he might have found a place for it, but didn't sound very enthusiastic. I don't want to discourage him, but why a bakery when there are so many in Greenwood."

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