Chapter 18 - Adventures

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Helping Luke with his bakery plans has kept me busy. I know I'm a procrastinator by nature, but this time I had good reasons to delay writing my story. We have transported everything that Dad had in storage that could be used in the new space and went through yard sales and second hand shops to see what else we could find. Now that the walls and floor on the second floor are done, we could bring the tables and chairs upstairs. It amazes me that the furniture is older than us and yet Dad packed it so well it's in great shape. 

Since today Luke has a crew installing his new kitchen, he didn't need me and I took the opportunity to come to the park and work from here. Other people might find the noise and everything else disturbing, but I find I do my best writing in busy environments. I believe that's why my article about Moonlight House was well read, because I took notes while sitting at the bar and enjoying a beer with Oliver. 

The weather prediction on this cold November day showed a possibility of rain, so I made a gazebo with a picnic table my workspace. I also brought a bag with food and warm drinks to sustain myself until the afternoon or when I feel I've done enough.

It's surprised me that this story is flowing well. I didn't know I could enjoy writing a romance. I've been very careful with the way I refer to people and have done research to make sure I'm up to date with wording because the last I want is to offend anyone. I'm still ashamed that what I thought was funny could hurt someone. This time, I want things to be different and instead of scribbling, I'm taking my time savoring every step. Only, I'm not sure if this story is as romantic as people would expect, but I'm trying my best. I don't consider myself a romantic person, but I appreciate sweet gestures. I just prefer to show my love differently, through care and attention to my partner. It's been a long time since I've had one and hope my luck changes soon because I do feel lonely at times. 

I want to have the kind of relationship my parents have. When Mom came into our lives, we all got sick with a stomach bug. She didn't run away. Instead, she stayed at our home and nursed us all back to health. I'll take that kind of care, love and dedication over any fancy dinner.

At this point in my story, my character, Austin Madden, is trying to find the way to his hostel through heavy rain. On the day this happened to me for real, it was scary. The bus driver almost growled at me to get off and before I could ask how to get to my next address, he had driven away. I wandered around, trying to find a place where I could ask for help, but found everything closed on that Sunday. The rain seemed to have driven everyone away, and I walked from awning to awning, trying to keep moving and staying as dry as possible. It was pointless because it was as if buckets of water were falling from the sky and the wind lashed at my face. Eventually, I found an awning that was deep enough for me to shield myself. My phone had run out of charge, and I prayed my laptop was still dry. The wind pressed me against the door and a minute later, the door opened, and I fell backwards. The man holding it open screamed.

"Get the fuck out of here before I call the police!" The man yelled at me while looking around for something, probably to hit me with it.

I can only imagine the impression I gave him. I had not shaved for days, and my wrinkly clothes were dripping everywhere.

"I'm so sorry," I said while standing up. "I was shielding from the wind and rain. I'm lost and no one is around to ask for help."

"Lost?" He eyed me with suspicion.

"I need to find my hostel. I have an address here." I showed him the wet paper with the address that was fading.

"You are on the wrong side of town. This place is all the way north."

"Fuck my life and the bus driver. Can you tell me where I can find a taxi rank?" I said before three sneezes interrupted me.

"Taxi rank? None in this village. And with this rain, the buses are probably out of service too."

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