Chapter 22 - Chance

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Seven weeks ago, when we walked into the building Luke bought, I had trouble visualizing his plans. Now, after all his hard work and with help from friends and family, he's turned this place into a beautiful business. I know it will draw people in. The pale blue walls work well with the simple black wooden furniture his dad had in a storage. They show signs of use, but I believe they give the bakery warmth and authenticity. The sole and dangerous light bulb that was hanging in the middle, has been replaced with four industrial lamps Michael found at a second-hand store. During a visit to the work-in-progress space, Erin gave decoration advice to Luke and a tip to build a counter along the front window for anyone who wants a quick bite while watching the people walk by. Since it's the beginning of December, that same window now has twinkle lights and a Christmas tree with light blue decorations adorns a corner of the main room.

Along the back wall, stainless-steel appliances shine against the tiled backing and Luke busies himself installing a coffee machine. As I promised to him, I'm here to help with whatever he needs and I've been filling cupboards with dinnerware and the back storage with ingredients.

"I'm not sure I installed this in the right way, but hey, we got coffee," Luke says as he hands me one of the two cups of coffee in his hands. "Michael is the only one who really understands those machines, but I'm too impatient to wait until he's here. I also got it working without burning myself. It happened to me every time at Serendipity. I consider this a success."

"It's a great cup of coffee," I say, but then the phone vibrating  in my pocket interrupts me.

I see a message notification from Chloe, leave it unread and return the phone to my jeans.

"Chloe?" Luke asks and I nod. "Is it really over?"

"Yeah, it's over between us. I thought I would feel more bummed than I am, to be honest. Now I understand how Tristan felt. Chloe and I have been apart for so long that I was more in love with the girl in my memory. The reality is different and now even more when she didn't have the decency of including me in her plans. She's been sending messages since I confronted her and called it quits. Says she can explain. But what is there to explain? She could have told me about the new tour when she was in Greenwood and I had to find out through someone else. I don't think she even planned to come back."

"She must have surely dropped a hint when she came to visit."

"At least none I could notice. You know what has me the most baffled? We talked about marriage."

"Marriage? You proposed?"

"Not officially, but never mind. I guess I need to come to terms that I'm officially single. Or maybe I always was and was too stupid to realize I was never in her plans. I'm just a dumb fuck whenever she's in town and that's it."

"Don't think that." Luke pats my back in a brotherly way. "You are not at fault here. I'm a witness to how loyal you have been in your relationship."

"Like a dog... Anyway, to better times." I toast with my coffee and Luke joins.

"Can't believe that I will open officially on Monday." Luke gazes around and I've never seen him so happy and at peace. "I've seen people taking a peek from the window. I hope they eventually dare to come in and buy something."

The front door opens and Michael comes inside, together with a guy I've never seen before, while carrying some food bags.

"Got lunch." He shakes the bags. "Oh, you installed the coffee machine!"

"Yeah, got it working," Luke says and throws a curious look at the guy whose mouth hangs slightly open in surprise.

"This is my friend, Mateo. My brother Luke and our roommate, Jordan."

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