Chapter 11 - Shopper

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Dad frowns as he reads my bakery plans, and I don't know how to interpret that. Even in his delicate condition, caused by a general infection that started on the day he was supposed to go home, he's been interested in helping with my business.

"I'm impressed and I don't say this because you are my son." He takes off his reading glasses and places them on the side table. "This plan is well thought and carefully researched. I can see why the bank is eager to give you the financing. I do agree with Michael's observation." He pulls the piece of paper where my brother scribbled his thoughts. "You will need to offer light meals to compete with the big bakeries and make a profit. When I started my businesses here and in Lonstino, I was lucky that no one was offering the same as I did. The pâtisserie worked out because I was in an area where there was both a gym and a beauty salon." He chuckles at the memory. "In Lonstino, I just followed the expectations of visitors coming to a pier. Candy, as a souvenir, worked the best."

"It all comes down to finding the right space," I say. "So far, all I've come across has been crappy places where I can barely fit a counter. More than two customers and no one else can come inside. With proper space to put tables or even a long counter mounted to a wall, I can offer the same type of breakfasts and lunches that O'Brien's serves, but adjusted for people with intolerances. I've heard countless of people substituting this and that when ordering. If Marissa is taking the order, it isn't a problem, but if Papa O'Brien is around..."

"He isn't as flexible," Dad says, and I nod.

"I made calculations and I can offer affordable meals. Of course, it won't be a broad menu in the beginning. I will need more hands to make a larger selection work. Did you start with a full menu or staff?"

"No, it was just myself. I started making cupcakes after observing the timings at the gym and always made sure I had the most beautiful ones on display by the window. A few people became regulars after their lessons. I then dared to introduce other pastries and also seasonal types, like the ones I make for Charlie's café. It's the same in Lonstino. You know that the caramel apple candy on the window display keeps people coming. Later on I started with the chocolates and cookies."

"I wasn't planning on showing you this, because I have doubts myself on whether it is the right thing to do. A client told Marissa he needed to get rid of a space. I took the meaning lightly and went to see the place. He isn't leasing it. He wants to sell it. It's spot on with the budget I have available and has suitable space for a kitchen. I think I can even fit two fridges, and about four tables and chairs on the top floor, plus a storage area."

"Why didn't you want to talk to me about it?"

"Because it currently looks like this." I take my phone out, open the photo gallery, and hand the device to my dad.

"Wow, that place is really run down. Is that what has you doubting?" He says as he hands me the phone back.

"That and the fact that if this venture doesn't work, I will have to find a buyer myself for the building. I'm handy with repairs and I can mount stuff, but it needs water and electricity fixes and just the thought of how much that could cost has me shitting myself."

"You have family, you know? I'm sure the crowd in Lonstino would want to help."

"It's that..."

"Luke, asking for help is not a sign of weakness. I had plenty of help from your grandparents and friends. Your mom and Jaden did most of the work to fit Serendipity at the fairgrounds."

"I remember little of that. I was only six." I smile at the joyful memory of meeting Mom and having her stay in our lives.

"If you decide to go ahead with this space, just make a list of all the jobs needed. I'll ask around and as soon as I'm fit again, I'll help in any way I can."

Adulting Requires Cheesecake (Book 4, Lonstino & Greenwood Series)Where stories live. Discover now