Chapter 6 - Audition

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Since I moved out of my parents house, dinner at their place on the first Saturday of the month has become a tradition that I love. I only find it a nuisance today because I can't drive and need to wait first at the club during the quarterly open audition day.

When Dad and Erin travel or someone in their band can't make it, they have a list of acts to entertain the clubgoers. Some of the people who come to audition sound great, but others are... Let's say that no one has been honest enough with them about their talents. Solo singers tend to fall in that category. Being able to play guitar not always guarantee that you have the right voice to sing. Plus it takes a brilliant performer to get a club like Moonlight House singing along or dancing. So far, these people have me yawning.

My family members by adoption have done everything possible to keep me entertained while I wait. Rory refilled my drink and Sam got me a snack. Adam joins us while reading a paper and grimaces at the current singer auditioning.

"That better be a no," he says.

"You just missed the previous one," Rory says. "The band leader argued with Erin that they deserved a regular slot at the club. They were so tone-deaf I wouldn't let them since in the parking lot."

"I've had enough," I say after emptying my glass of soda. "I'll head to Marisol for a while. If I'm not back on time, send Dad to pick me there." 

Marisol is Sam's wife and owns a chocolate store at the end of the block. It isn't far away, but with my foot in an orthopedic boot and using crutches it takes me double the time to get there.

"How are the auditions going? Sam told me this morning," she says the moment I enter the store and pulls a stool for me to sit on.

"The usual. The egos are bigger than the talent. Luckily I'll have Mom's cooking later to compensate for the inconvenience."

"Noah says you are almost healed, is that right?"

"Yeah, it's going well. Walking here barely bothered me. It's good to leave the apartment for a change."

"I thought you liked your place. Has it changed?" She places a small box with two cream filled bonbons in my hand, my favorites.

"Thanks! No, it hasn't changed, in any case it's even better. Luke's brother just moved in with us and I like having him around."

"That sounds positive. And how's Chloe?"

"She's doing well. Still touring with the musical. Saw her about two months ago during her break."

Marisol lifts her eyebrow, but says nothing further, making me feel as if I have to defend my choice of having a long-distance relationship.

"She needs to live her dream, the same way I'm living mine. The last time I saw her she even hinted that it might be her last tour. Apparently, there's an opportunity at the TV network in the wardrobe and make-up department."

Before Marisol can say anything, a few customers enter her store. The time on my phone tells me that the auditions must be almost over, so I wave goodbye at her, and hop towards the club.

"Excuse me?" A voice that sounds out of breath says behind me.

I turn around to find a woman with the brightest red hair I've seen in my life, even redder than Adam's wife Claire.

"Can I help you?" I reply.

"I'm looking for a club called Moonlight House. I walked the wrong way and now I'm late for an audition."

"No worries, follow me since I'm heading that way." I then notice the guitar case, which she holds closer.

"Thank you. I just moved to Greenwood and don't know my way around that well by public transport."

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