Chapter 32 - Father

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I've been eyeing my phone the whole afternoon, waiting for news of any kind. Weeks had passed since Oliver had his interview at the zoo, and he'd given up on the idea of working there. So when he received an email inviting him for a second interview, he knocked at my door, feeling excited and nervous, and hoping I could help him prepare for it. There was nothing I could do but reassure him that he would do well. Waiting to hear from Oliver while processing what Dad shared with me last night has me distracted. This development could mean the end for Deirdre and I.

My phone display lights up with a message from Oliver, and I fumble with the device, trying to open it. 

I got the job.

In need of some positive vibes I give him a call. "I believe congratulations are in order," I say the moment he answers.

"Thank you again. This would not have been possible with your and Madeline's help. I did what you both advised. I was honest about my lack of knowledge on animals. I also told them I'm autistic and they didn't seem concerned about that. They explained what the job entails and is more about being organized and remembering where the materials are. The children activities don't happen daily and they were more in need of someone preparing the materials for them than actually interacting with the kids."

"I believe this job will fit you great. Hope you will take some time to celebrate and I'm looking forward to hear how it goes when you start."

A chat message from the reception pops up in my screen, announcing I have a visitor, so I say goodbye to Oliver. Before I can stand up from my desk, I get a call from Suzie, our receptionist.

"I could kill you, Jordan," she whispers, trying not to giggle. "I look like a slob today and he's so damn hot!"

"Is he? I've heard his name, but never met him. I'll be there in a minute."

After deleting a bunch of As I typed during my moment of distraction, I save the file I was working on and head downstairs. Didier Bouchard is being ogled by some of my colleagues, but he doesn't seem bothered while he inspects a display with our latest games. He's taller than Tristan and looks like a model.

"Mr. Bouchard?"

"Hello, call me Didier. You must be Jordan. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says as we shake hands. "Thank you for seeing me at such short notice."

"The pleasure is mine," I say as I guide him to the elevator. "Luke has mentioned your name during the past years and I know how kind you have been to him at Morgan Events. He's almost a brother to me, so when he shared your needs, I was more than happy to help."

We make small talk as we go up in the elevator. As we walk to my office, the staring continues and I brace myself for the questions from my colleagues that will come up later.

"Something to drink?" I motion to the small fridge I now have in my office, a new perk of being a manager.

"Water is fine, thanks. When I spoke to Luke at his bakery, I was on the brink of madness. This request for a gamer wedding puzzled us because Thomas, Abigail or I never played games. Or at least not the kind our bride and groom play. I went online to get inspiration, but everything I found didn't have the quality we were looking for. Luke reminded me that if we pulled a circus-themed wedding once, that we could make it work for this one too. He then suggested having a chat with you to gather more insights that can inspire details for the event."

"Circus and gamer weddings? People really do that?" I ask and wonder what kind of wedding Deirdre would be interested in. Well, if we ever make it that far.

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