Chapter 21 - News

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People have been telling me I look relaxed and happy. I do. It's been a long time since I've gone through my days without feeling the pressure to be someone I'm not. I'm even sleeping full nights and I owe it all to Harper. What started as a promise to cook for her turned into regular visits. In the beginning, we would share a meal and friendly conversation. Later on, we also shared my bed. We still haven't defined what we are and I'm okay with that. 

The guilty feeling stopped after Oliver called me to what happened at Elizabeth's house. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. If everyone felt our relationship was doomed since the beginning, then why did no one gave us an honest opinion? I would have sucked to hear it, of course, but it would have saved us years of unhappiness. The positive development of that visit was that the lawsuit was dropped and Elizabeth has not contacted me ever since.

Harper and I decided to keep our visits private. I guess a few close colleagues, like Madeline, have figured we have something going on, but otherwise we behave as good friends. I'm not sure if people will find it acceptable that I'm dating my manager. Harper and I looked into the staff manuals and couldn't find any rule against, but it's better to keep a low profile.

Yet the news made it to Lonstino, as expected. Mom gave me a call, asking when I could bring Harper over to meet her. I've mentioned her countless of times since I started working at the zoo, but she's never been to my parents' place or Lonstino. Harper was delighted with the invitation, but Madeline felt uneasy being in charge for a few days. We reassured her that she's capable and if there's an emergency we could always drive back.

Harper's excitement turned into nerves on the drive to Lonstino. She wasn't vocal about them, but I could see it from the way she kept rubbing the edge of her sweater.

"You'll tear the fabric," I said, placing my hand over hers.

"Meeting your family feels like a big step. Do I look okay? I bought new clothes for this weekend."

"Harper, they will like you. Even if you were wearing a dusty uniform from the zoo with twigs sticking out of your hair."

Saying that seemed to calm her. We turned the conversation to what we could do in the three days we had in Lonstino. When we got there, I used my key to open the door and could hear people having a loud conversation mixed with laughter in the backyard.

"And now we are complete," Mom said when she came inside the house while carrying some empty coffee mugs. "It's lovely to have you here, Tristan." She gave me a kiss on my cheek and a warm hug.

"Mom, I would like to introduce you to Harper."

"It's good to finally meet you, Harper," Mom said while giving her a hug. "I've heard great things about you. Welcome to our home."

"Thank you, Mrs. Walker."

"Call me Viv, dear. Please, join everyone in the backyard. What can I get you guys to drink? I made hot cocoa. Seems it's decent as I got a request for refills."

"Cocoa sounds great with this chilly weather," Harper said and I nodded.

"Hey, Tristan!" Dad walked towards us, supporting himself from a crutch. "Hello, Harper. It's good to see you again. It's been long."

"Good to see you too, Professor Walker."

I then remembered Harper mentioning that Dad taught her twice during her bachelor's studies. While my parents dealt with the drinks, we headed outside where we found Oliver, Uncle Lewis, Aunt Ximena, my sister, and Eddie, Charlie's son, who she denies until the end of times that she's in a relationship with, sitting at a table and enjoying pastries.

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