Chapter 10 - Free

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It's been a long time since I'd gone out with friends. The night at Moonlight House made me feel free for the first time in years. I drank beer and ate wings, without someone at my side telling me how many calories I was consuming. Or reminding me that I used to be a chubby kid. I also sang and laughed, and I wondered when was the last time I did anything like that.

A snort and what sounds like a whine call my attention and cuts my memories short.

"I know, sweetheart. You are almost there."

Daisy, one of our white rhinos, has gone into labor. Harper's theory of babies being in season is right. We didn't even know Daisy was carrying. At least I couldn't see anything different during the regular observations. We know the rhinos in the enclosure mate from time to time but have never been blessed with a calf. One of our caretakers called me yesterday afternoon after I went home to say she was acting strange. I drove back to the zoo, and with the help of other caretakers, we moved her from the night enclosure to an individual one, so she has space and peace. The poor thing has been now working on bringing her baby to the world for 14 hours.

I've been sitting for almost the same amount of time on the floor in front of the enclosure fence with a few bathroom breaks in between. From my place, I can see the sack with the calf, but it's been the same for the past hours. If this goes well, it will be the second rhino calf I've seen being born. Daisy's belly won't stop contracting and she almost lies on the straw. Her snorting gets louder and a bit more of the sack comes out.

"Tristan?" Harper whispers.

I turn my head to look at Harper and then she realizes what's going on. She turns the walkie talkie from the clip at her waist and turns it off.

"She's almost there," I whisper back as I point at Daisy that now is completely lying on the straw. "You were right. There's something in the water around here. I thought we were done since the past week was quiet in the maternity area."

"How's this even possible?" Harper kneels next to me and can't take her eyes off the rhino. "It must have happened right after the last check-up."

"Probably. Nature humbles me in situations like this. Isn't it amazing?"

Before Harper can say anything, Daisy snorts become louder. Through the sack, you can see the calf's head clearly. Harper and I hold hands and cheer on Daisy with whispered sweet nothings. The sack finally comes out, opening as the calf moves around. Harper and I grin, amazed by this moment. The new mom turns around immediately to check on her baby. 

We laugh as the rhino calf tries to stand, but its legs are too wobbly. Daisy tries to help it carefully with her horn and encouraging licks. We chuckle at the failed attempts and let out a loud cheer when it almost makes it. It will take another hour or so before the calf can walk properly but even the smallest efforts are worth celebrating. I watch Harper as she stares at the calf and can see the freckles on her face so clearly and the way her dimples get deeper as she smiles.

"You are looking weird at me. Stop that," Harper says.

"I'm sorry."

As I stand up, one of my numb legs doesn't respond well from sitting for so long in the small space. I try to hold on to a latch for support, but my hands are sweaty, and I tumble sideways. Something sharp pierces my shirt and I bite my tongue to avoid saying offensive words.

"Tristan! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" She asks as she helps to steady me.

"Something pierced me. My shoulder blade stings madly. Can you check?"

"Yeesh! You are bleeding a lot. Let's get you back to the clinic. I think you'll need a tetanus shot." She points at the slightly rusted spike I fell against.

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