Chapter 39 - Launch

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Eighteen months later


The mix of nerves and disappointment have given me a headache. Mateo needed to pick his parents from the airport and bring them to their hotel first and left early. With Christmas around the corner, traffic is mad in the city. I could have driven myself to my event, but my car is in the garage after a stupid drunk driver hit it while it was parked at the mall. The damage wasn't enough to be considered a total loss, but I'll be without my own transportation for a while. On that same day, we had an appointment with Thomas for the planning of today's book launch and he happily offered to bring me to the party.

"I think I'm ready," I say to Thomas, who sits patiently on our couch, checking his phone. "Maybe I should bring another shirt. My armpits feel like waterfalls."

"Let me check." He stands up and lifts my arm. "Only a small sweat stain. I can help you with that." He opens the bag he left on the floor and gets a small package wrapped in plastic. "Sweat pads. Just stick them in the armpit area of the shirt and you will be sweat free."

"You think of everything..." I say as I unbutton my shirt.

"Writers, brides, dads-to-be... A sweat stain can happen to anyone and it's my job to be prepared. I was just messaging with Didier, Moonlight House is ready, and people have started arriving. I'm still surprised I didn't know they were a venue for private parties. After all these years, I thought I knew every spot in the city."

"It's not their core business. They usually close the club to visitors for family celebrations. I feel honored they consider Luke and I part of their family since we were roommates with Jordan, and he's the son of one of the owners."

"That explains it. It's been a great experience working with them on your launch party. Maybe I can sweet talk Adam Sommer into going into business with us." He flashes me with a million watt grin.

"I'm sure that if someone can convince him, it will be you."

We get into Thomas' car and start the drive downtown. Laura and her team have been moving heaven and earth to market the book and there seems to be enough interest in it. People could sign up for the launch party through limited social media opportunities and, according to Laura, the spaces filled quickly. For the rest, Thomas and Didier, together with Erin, have been putting their heads together to make Moonlight House a place suitable to celebrate the publication of my first book.

When I think of all the work I've been putting into editing this book for the past year and a half, I feel this event will help to complete the cycle. I've been compared to Mom at times. Not about the style or content of my writing, but about being hard-headed when I believe something should be kept as is and not messed with further. I took it as a compliment. After endless drafts, it felt liberating when I was told my story was ready. It's been a tough experience at times, and frustrating, and I might have ugly cried on one occasion, but I'm willing to go through it all over again if it means I can build a career as a romance writer.

"Nervous?" Thomas asks while keeping his eyes on the road. "You've suddenly gotten quiet."

His words make me chuckle. "Not really nervous, more excited. I was reflecting on the past months and how we got to this point. I'm just hoping it works so that I can continue doing it for the rest of my life."

"Hard work and dedication makes things work and you are good at both."

I only nod as I check my phone to see if Mateo has messaged me, but received nothing. We arrive at Moonlight House, and there's a line to enter the club. Hopefully, people won't feel disappointed when they find it's not open for clubbing. We park in the back lot as instructed and just when we are about to walk towards the entrance, Thomas' phone rings.

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