Chapter 27 - Talk

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As I close the door of my manager's office behind me, I'm still trying to digest the news about my promotion. I should feel happy since it's something I have wanted for a long time, but knowing Oliver is going through the opposite doesn't allow me to enjoy this properly.

When I got the message from Michael that Tristan was in the hospital, we met with Luke and went to see him. Only Harper was in the room. We found Tristan deep asleep from his pain medication and what mattered was that he was alive. His parents and sister had gone home and no one knew where Oliver went.

Then this morning, right when I was about to make breakfast, he knocked at the door. Something about his expression scared me. It was the same hopeless look that Luke had when he was at the deepest point of his depression. I heard from Michael that he had been fired, but this was something else.

"Oliver... Luke and Michael left to the bakery already. Can I help you?"

He hesitated at the door, sighed and stared at the ground. "I could use a friend."

The request surprised me because we have always been friendly, but not to the point of confiding on each other.

"Of course. Come in." I invited him to sit and offered him a cup of coffee that he declined.

"I'm actually here to see you, not my cousins. Jordan, you are always honest and not biased because we aren't related. The past days have been chaotic. I've lost my job, any hope to continue my relationship and probably the rights to see my child."

My initial shock subsided while I listened to Oliver tell me the details of what took place in the past months and days. 

"We agreed to talk today, but I'm afraid my brain will get overstimulated and I'll either freeze and say nothing, or say something in an unfiltered way. Either way I could make things worse than they already are. I've been told I come across as uninterested, know-it-all and unemotional. Is it true?"

How to answer something like that without hurting him more was the challenge. I took a moment to reflect before answering him.

"I noticed while helping Luke with the bakery remodeling that you were not really enthusiastic with his plans."

"You must admit that it's a crazy plan. What if he fails? He will be up to his neck in debt."

"But we can't predict the future, no? We don't know if he will fail until it happens and it might never will. His plan is daring, but he thought it well and I'm witness to how much energy and time he has spent on it to make it solid. He already got a contract to supply Moonlight House with special desserts and he's booked a few events. He's open to thinking outside the box and taking any additional chances. I'm no therapist, Oliver, but it seems as if you project your fear of failing towards other people."

Oliver kept quiet and I took the opportunity to get a cup of coffee and start the toaster. I placed a piece of toast in front of him and also the cup of coffee he had declined earlier. 

"I've failed already," he said after sipping his coffee. "My biggest fears have happened. I've failed at making a career out of my studies. I've failed at getting people to respect me. I've failed at maintaining a relationship with someone who was willing to give it a go with me. I've failed at realizing that she's pregnant."

"And now you have many chances at making things right. As you said, Madeline wants to talk. It means the door is open and it's your first chance. Live in the here and now during that conversation and don't be afraid to show her your vulnerable side."

"Show vulnerability... You are a wise one, Jordan. I wish I could be more like you."

"I'm not wise, really. If anyone is, that is Deirdre. She has taught me that vulnerability doesn't equal weakness."

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