Chapter 34 - Manuscript

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After submitting my manuscript to several agents and publishing houses, I received the usual cascade of rejections. This time, I didn't feel frustrated or disappointed. I knew I gave it my best efforts and Luke and Mateo concurred that I did a good job. During our birthday dinner, Mom said that Laura was drowning in manuscript submissions. I made peace with the idea of getting another rejection and moving on. That's why when I got a call from her assistant to plan a meeting, I felt the shock of my life.

I've been a bundle of nerves ever since. I've had my share of job interviews and I know I present myself well, or so I've been told. This time feels different for many reasons; the story is close to my heart, I'm trying a new genre and if anything comes out of it, I'll become my mom's peer. Of course, this meeting isn't a guarantee that things will move forward, but it's the farthest I've gotten in this project. Yet this morning, I woke up with a calm head and it's made me suspicious that something is wrong with me. It's a struggle. I've worked hard on this manuscript but I don't want to feel overly confident.

As a distraction, I think about my family and how everything's changed for them. Luke and Rebecca have been hiding something, and seeing that she drank some wine on our birthday it's not a bun in the oven. Maybe it's twin intuition, but I bet they will be the ones having meetings with Morgan Events in the near future. I hope I'm right about that because I truly love Rebecca. She's sweet, witty, and the fact that she makes Luke happy is all she needs to make me like her. Also, she came with the wonderful bonus of Joy and I'm loving being the favorite uncle.

Last week, Tristan and Harper invited us for dinner at their place. I've missed seeing him around the building, but this new life suits him. Now that he's officially an assistant professor at the university, he had fun stories to share about his teaching days combined with his work as a vet consultant at the zoo. None of us would dare to say it out loud, but we are glad he's in a safer environment where the chances of getting hurt are less. 

When Madeline and Oliver arrived at the dinner, it surprised me to see my cousin so engaged with her and everyone else. He's loving the job at the zoo library and clicked well with the ladies who work there and treat him like a son. He's enjoying preparing the materials for the kids and has ventured into giving tours for small groups. His relationship with Madeline is still on the friendly side and their focus now is to bring a healthy little human into the world.

The only one of us who seems to be struggling is Jordan. He arrived by himself as Deirdre couldn't join him. She had been invited to record a demo of a song she wrote and there was no chance to reschedule. A producer showed interest in her talents and it could translate into recording and tour opportunities. After the experience of Chloe never being around, he's finding himself in the same old situation. He tried his best during the dinner to talk to everybody and look happy, but I bet the situation is eating him inside.

As I park on the street, I look at my phone to check the address. The calmness has abandoned me now that I'm getting closer and my knees shake and my heart races. I lift my backpack, where I have my laptop and a print-out of my manuscript, higher on my shoulder and open the door of the building. Inside the elevator, I check my reflection on the polished wall and comb my hair with my fingers. Rebecca helped me to choose clothes for the meeting and said they will help me feel confident. My blue dress shirt makes my eyes pop, according to her. I hope she's right.

After announcing myself at the reception, I'm invited to take a seat. My surroundings are somewhat chic and girly. The walls have frames of published works and a well stocked library takes place in the center of the wall. I fantasize of seeing my works displayed like that one day.

Laura's assistant greets me and escorts me through the hallways. The people in the offices work in silence and I see a woman with a red pen in her mouth, just like mom does when she's editing on paper. The assistant holds the door of a room open for me and when I enter, I feel lightheaded when I find my mom sitting inside.

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