Chapter 7 - Call

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During dinner, Dad gave Mom and my brother the play-by-play of the auditions and Deirdre's performance. Too bad I had made the commitment to spend the night with my roommates and their cousins, because hearing my dad talking about Deirdre with so much enthusiasm made me want to go to the club even more. I had to remind myself a few times that I'm in a serious relationship and tried to distract myself with the delicious meal. My brother avoided looking into my eyes the whole time and Mom scolded me for making him think I'm still upset. He realized that wasn't the case when I gave him the code to download a game we are testing with a focus group. 

After declining dessert since I know Luke will have plenty, Dad brought me home. I found Luke starting dinner while Michael and Oliver chat on the couch and laugh about something.

"Where is Tristan?" I ask Luke.

"He'll be here soon. Took a nap after work. Can you give me a hand here? Oliver can't cook and Michael doesn't pay attention to what he does."

"I don't lack cooking skills," Oliver whines. "I just don't like the taste or texture of certain foods."

"He eats like five meals and that's it," Luke says to me. "Let's hope pasta is one of them. Hey, what are you doing?" He says to Michael. "Out of my kitchen!"

"I'm just grabbing a beer!"

"Since when is beer Parmesan cheese?"

"I wanted a small piece to go with my beer." He shrugs.

"Out! That's for the pasta, it's not an appetizer. Stay in the living room until we are ready to eat."

Michael laughs and grabs a second beer for Oliver. Luke hands me a bowl and points at some vegetables to make a salad. While I get busy, he goes back to muttering and adding stuff to a saucepan.

"Here you go," I say when I'm done with my task. "Can I do anything else for you?"

"I think we are good for the moment. Thank you for being the only person with common sense," he says loud enough for the other two to hear. Michael flips him even though his eyes are glued to the TV. "Do you want a beer?"

"Sure. I can keep you company here if you want. I've seen that movie before." I point with my nose at the TV. "Are you okay? You look a bit off."

"I'm okay. It's that Dad found about the bakery plans and I feel discouraged. I know he had a tough time getting his first shop off the ground but I'm almost sure that he had more support, monetary and morally, than I'm getting. He also fears I will get a relapse. He didn't use those words, but they were easily implied. You know I've been clean since the accident. We even have beers in the fridge, and I'm not even tempted."

"He will always worry about something, like most dads do. You know you can count on me for any help you need with the bakery. Growing up, I did so many jobs at Moonlight House. There's must be something I can do for you."

"I'm glad to hear that, but you were there for me at my worst moment and have put up with me for the past years. I appreciate that a lot more. And did you have a good time with your family?"

"Yeah, it was fine as usual. I needed to wait at the club first for the auditions."

"You love those." He chuckles as he hands me a tub of garlic butter.

"The last try out was a solo singer with a guitar, and she was quite good. No back-up band needed. They hired her on the spot and since she was also looking for a day job, Adam offered her one as a server."

"Single? Hot? Likes bakers?" Luke smirks.

"Don't know that. She is beautiful, but not really my type. I like girls with dark skin and she was pale, with bright red hair and green eyes."

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