Chapter 9 - Madeline

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The news of Uncle Lewis waking up from his surgery and being on the mend were a relief. It also made me realize my parents are not that young anymore and an emergency can happen in the blink of an eye. The time we spent at the hospital brought memories and not the good kind. I tried to distract myself by talking to Jordan and my brother, but I could see in Tristan's face that he felt just like I did. We both survived and that's what matters.

The moment a doctor came outside to tell Aunt Ximena that Uncle Lewis would go into surgery came with complications. Michael had fainted outside and she was torn between seeing her husband before his procedure or attending to her son. Luke remained calm and it seemed that whatever made him angry had passed. He stayed with Michael while Aunt Ximena went to see Uncle Lewis. 

During all that time, I kept in contact with our family in Lonstino to relay everything that was happening. Our parents and sister came to Greenwood the day after our uncle's surgery and paid us a visit before heading to the hospital. I knew from Luke that Uncle Lewis' health had been delicate, but knowing dad's sister was the catalyst makes me angry. Michael told me the stories and I feel lucky that I never had to experience that abuse from my parents.

While I enjoyed seeing our parents, I was happy to spend some time with my sister, even though I saw her during the summer at Lonstino. When we left for college, she was only a girl and each time I see her again, it surprises me to find a woman.

"How's the salon going?" I asked her while my parents were engaged in conversation with Tristan about the situation with Elizabeth.

"Reasonably well, considering it's Lonstino. We are lucky to be able to rent that space next to the café with the harbor hotel so close by. People rather pay our prices than the ones from their salon in the lobby."

"And Charlie's son?"

Darla drank her coffee to hide her smile. "What about him?"

"You seemed close last summer. He came a lot to our house."

"Logical. We grew up together." She shrugged.

Not caring enough to dig in further, I brought up something that had me slightly worried.

"Am I imagining it or is Dad limping?"

Darla patted my cheek and I didn't flinch. It's something she's done since she was a baby and I accept from her. "Do you remember that fall he had a few weeks ago during their last trip? It busted the knee of his good leg and damaged his prosthesis. Mom's been begging him to see a doctor because it doesn't fit well anymore, and he needs a new one. He's been using a crutch but left it in the car. You know how he is. The last he wants is to worry people. He's not doing a good job fooling you."

"I'll have a chat with him when I have a chance. Look at what happened to Uncle Lewis for not taking care of himself. And if he doesn't want to listen, I'll send Tristan and he won't like that." I said, and she nodded.

"Oli, is Tristan okay? For someone going through a breakup, he doesn't look bummed about it."

"He's so fatigued I don't even think he has the energy to feel at all. Since his boss retired and another colleague left to work at another zoo, his colleague Harper and him have been slaving away."

Last summer, our original plan was to make a road trip, visit our family in Lonstino and rest. Tristan's boss retired months before and even though there were no plans to replace him, it felt like a low blow to my brother when his other colleague left, and he had to cancel our plans. It made him nervous too. Even though he's sufficiently experienced and skilled, he's a young veterinarian and could use the support of a senior staff member. The director at the zoo doesn't seem to give a crap about their wellbeing.

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