Chapter 26 - Reality

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The strange image becomes sharper little by little until it becomes a TV set mounted to the ceiling. Then I see a bulletin board on the back wall with two cards pinned on it. To my side, a vase contains a cheery bouquet. I don't remember any of these details from the last time I opened my eyes. Or maybe they were there, but the searing pain in my chest wouldn't have let me notice anything.

"Welcome back." Dad's smiling face appears in my vision field.

I try to sit, but my ribs and arm remind me why I'm in a hospital.

"It's better if you stay as you are for the moment. Harper or your mom will be back in a moment and can help you."

"I can't breathe..."

Dad presses a button on the wall and a nurse walks in. He explains the situation and she places an oxygen mask on my face. Breathing becomes a bit easier.

"How long was I out?"

"Almost 24 hours," Dad says while looking at his phone.

"Those painkillers could take a horse down," I say, and cough. "A collapsed lung is no joke."

Dad's gaze moves to the door and Darla comes in with a big balloon that says get well soon.

"Will the men in this family please stop falling?" She teases and Dad shakes his head. "How are you feeling? You've been knocked out for a long time."

"Just found out... I'm happy I can move this time." I lift the arm that is not in a cast and move my legs. "I don't remember much from the last time I woke up... Only infernal pain in my chest..."

"Logical after a collapsed lung and broken ribs. Do you remember anything of what happened when you fell?" She asks as she ties the balloon to the end of my bed.

"I do, even though it happened so fast... I've complained before to the maintenance crew... The ladder was rusty and needed replacement, or at least repairs... I heard the crack when going up... Couldn't hold myself fast or well enough because I was carrying a bag in my other hand... It's not that I don't value my life, but I'm relieved that it happened to me instead of Madeline... It would have been dangerous..."

"It would have been dangerous for anyone. Why her in particular?" Darla asks.

"It's nothing..."

"I find it incredibly annoying when Oliver and you say that to avoid answering." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Darla, stop bullying your brother." Dad interferes and I'm glad. "Where is your mom?"

"Harper and her are talking with a doctor outside."

Before I can ask of Oliver's whereabouts, Harper and my mom enter the room.

"I'm glad to see you awake," Mom says after kissing my forehead.

"We just spoke with your doctor," Harper says while holding my hand. "If you continue to be stable for the next two days, you can go home. I would feel more at ease if you stay at Lonstino for the first days while you recover since your parents can work from home and be there for you if you need someone. I must go back to the zoo to fill the incident report and yell at the maintenance crew for not prioritizing the fix of that ladder."

I feel uneasy about reliving the experience of my convalescence at my parents house, but I understand the decision. If I feel in a few days like I'm feeling now, I'll need help.

"It's only for a few days," Mom says as if she could read my mind. "You banged your head pretty hard so we need to make sure you are well enough to be on your own eventually."

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