Chapter 19 - Distraction

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Last night, Madeline and I were having dinner at my place and I was close to breaking up with her. We've only been dating for a few months and she brought up having children. It wasn't a simple wish for the future, but she had it all figured out, how many and their names. I said that it's too early for serious things like marriage and children and that she should think about her starting career. She got upset and kept saying that she didn't see any problem with thinking and talking about things like that. That she needed to know if I thought the same to figure if we were compatible because if we aren't why stay in a relationship.

When I told her that what we have can't be named a relationship, she got even more upset. Since she got the job at the zoo, she's tired in the evenings and cancels on me. I pointed that out. You can't avoid seeing a husband or paying attention to your children when you are tired. A husband will be there for the wife and take care of the kids, I've seen it with my parents, but in my view it's a shared responsibility. I ended my argument pointing out the financial consequences of having children. She's on the probation period at her work and I only have a one year contract at the school. 

She was pissed by then, accused me of always having the last word and even went too far, saying that's the reason I don't fit in anywhere. According to her I make everyone feel I'm superior to them. My head hurt, my body felt as if I was buzzing all over and all I wanted was to get under my weighted blanket. She said it's better if we don't see each other for a while and I can't agree more.

I needed answers to her accusations so I packed some clothes and headed to Lonstino. My father is the one person who's never sugar coated his conversations with me. 

After getting stuck on the highway traffic for a while, I finally relax when I get to Harbor Street and find a parking spot almost in front of my parents' house. When the door opens after I ring the bell, I'm surprised to find Darla.

"Hey, what are you doing at home at this time?" I say while kissing her cheek.

"I'm on my way to the salon, and Mom and Dad are out. What are you doing in Lonstino?" She asks, but doesn't move away from the door.

"I need to talk to Dad. Will you let me in? You are blocking the entrance."

Darla hesitates and looks over her shoulder. "Oli, now is really not a good time."

I hear Mom's voice inside and I wonder what's going on.

"You are lying. Don't make me push you aside. I know Mom's in there."

Darla mutters a curse and moves away. I enter the living room and find Mom on the phone while looking at her laptop.

"It makes him drowsy... I understand, but the longer he stays in bed, the more difficult it will be for him to return to his activities... Even his therapist said so... Half a pill then. Okay, thank you." Mom hangs up and notices I'm in the room. "So good to see you, Oliver. Come give me a hug."

Darla watches as I embrace Mom and I wonder why she isn't leaving to the salon as she said.

"Where's Dad?" I look around for signs of him.

"He's sleeping in Darla's old room." Mom smiles and caresses my face.

"Why not in your bedroom?"

Darla shuffles her feet and I walk towards the room he uses as an office since we moved out. I first see a wheelchair and then a sort of hospital bed. Dad sleeps on it and looks so vulnerable. Mom places her arm around my shoulders.

"He's okay. His leg is still giving him trouble, and he took a painkiller. I was just on the phone with the doctor's office to ask if they could change his prescription. Whenever he takes one of those pills, he falls asleep for hours. I don't believe that's good for him."

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