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EatmyDiction (Nick) and Gassy Mexican (Max)


Diction flopped onto the sofa next to Gassy and dropped his arm, with a little difficulty, over the taller mans shoulders. Gassy was scrolling almost furiously through his iPad.

"What are you doing Max?"

"Looking at comments on an old video."

"Why do you look so angry about it?"

Max scowled and dropped the iPad into Nicks lap.

Nick picked it up and looked at the title of the video that Max had been watching. It was quite an old video called 'Gassy's Revenge'.

Nick knew the video. It had been part of a sort of series where the two of them had written video letters to one another through YouTube.

This particular one was right after Nick had "punched" Gassy in the face and this was his revenge.

Nick laughed as he watched Max push Nicks face into the bowl of cereal.

Max just scowled and ran a hand through his hair.

"Why are you so worked up buddy?" Asked Nick "It's just a stupid video, why are you so angry?"

"Read the comments," Max almost seemed to growl through gritted teeth.

Nick turned back to the iPad and looked through the comments.

There were a fair amount that Nick just ignored. The standard 'Like this if you're watching in 2015' or the usual 'I ship Gassy and Diction so much!"

Nick laughed a little at that one but then he saw what had made Gassy so mad.

A large majority of the comments were ignoring what was actually in the video and were focusing on something else.

Gassy's 'sacred area.'

"It doesn't matter what we did in that video," Max almost seemed to snarl "They're just pointing out that my parts are noticeable."

Nick sighed and began to lay down on the sofa pulling Gassy down with him.

Gassy sighed and relented laying his head down on Nicks chest. He was a lot taller than Nick so even though the two of them were in one corner of the sofa Gassy's feet were dangling over the other end of the couch.

"Look Gassy," Nick started "I think you're worrying about this too much."

"Really?" Asked Max

Nick drew small circles on Max's chest, thinking quickly.

"You don't have to be angry because I'm kinda glad they pointed it out,"

"You are?"

"Yeah, it is one of my favourite parts of your body."

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