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Alex Lewis and Keith Habersberger from Buzzfeed and Lewberger

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I remember when I first met Alex...

Chris walked into my office.

"Hey Keith," he said "There's a new guy here today. Alex Lewis I think his name is and he could do with being shown around the office."

I glanced up from my keyboard and looked over the top of my office booth at him.

"And I'm guessing," I started "Since you're telling me this..."

He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes.

"Please Keith? I've got so much editing for Buzzfeed Yellow that I said I'd do and it's got to be on Eugenes desk in a couple of hours and then..."

"Chris," I cut him off, before I grinned "I'll show him around, where is he?"

He grinned back and ran around the side of my booth to hug me.

"Thanks Keith! He's waiting by my desk, I've got to go and talk to Eugene about some reports so you'll have to meet him on your own."

I wrapped my arms around him for a second before he rushed off to face the wrath of Eugene.

I stood up and walked across the office to Chris' desk.

Leant up against the edge of his desk was a small man, compared to me anyway, with curly dark hair and a guitar case in one hand.

I walked over to him and held a hand out for him.

"Hey I'm Keith!"

He grinned at me warmly and took my hand shaking it.

"Hi, I'm Alex!"


Apparently Keith wants to talk to me...

I've loved getting to know Keith and I know it may be weird but I think I'm starting to develop a crush on him.

Everything from his cute glasses to his inability to dance just strengthens my feelings for him.

My phone buzzes on my desk at the Buzzfeed office.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Chris asks jokingly from his desk next to mine.

I love having him next to me and it's great that my desk was assigned next to him as he's a lot of fun.

I look down at my phone.

Meet me outside. We need to talk - Keith

"I wish," I say to Chris "It's Keith."

Chris knows about my crush and he grins.

"Go see what he wants then," he laughs glancing at the message on my screen.

I laugh with him and stand up clapping a hand on his shoulder before walking outside and I see Keith leaning up against the hood of his car.

"Hey Keith" I say.

He smiles yet awkwardly goes for a hug put pulls back quickly.

I raise an eyebrow at his odd behaviour.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

Keith smiles

"Less talk to you, more do this."

He leans down and his lips connect with mine.

He pulls back slightly and he takes in my blushing face.

He grins.

"I'm guessing you like me too?" He asks.

I nod before pulling him into another kiss.


Alex and I have been together for three years now, in two weeks I plan on making sure we stay together forever...

Alex and I walk hand in hand through a park.

This would be the park where we had our first date.

He's talking to me about a song he thinks we should sing together but I'm not really focusing on what he's saying.

I'm just watching him talk, relishing in all the little things I love about him.

The way he exaggerates things with his hands, the way his hair bounces slightly with every step, the way he smiles at everyone.

We walk together as I guide him around the park.

"You still haven't told me what we are doing here..." Alex says squeezing my hand lightly.

I smile down at him

"We are nearly there now," I inform him "just have some patience."

He smiles and hugs my arm as I lead him on through the trees.

"Look up ahead Alex," I say "we are here."

He looks up and I can tell he's confused.

I would be too if I was in his position right now.

Up ahead is just the park fountain, no different in looks than any other day but if my plan works, Alex will understand why this fountain will be special for us.

"Come with me," I say pulling him along with me.

He grins yet still has one of his eyebrows raised in confusion.

I sit him down on the lip of the fountain and stand in front of him holding his hands.

He looks up at me still smiling but looking nervous.

"Are you okay Keith?" He asks.

"Yeah I am," I say "in fact I've been more than okay ever since I met you."

I take a deep breath.

"And I want to stay more than okay with you for the rest of my life, so Alex Lewis..."

I get down on one knee as Alex gasps and I feel people walking past looking at us happily.

"Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

Alex stays silent for a moment as I pull out the ring box I had in my pocket.

He takes the ring out of the velvet and slides the simple gold band onto his finger before kissing me.

"Of course I will, Keith Habersberger."

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