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Sark and APL from their own channels and previously used to be on Machinima Respawn

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Sark nervously tapped his foot against the floor.

APL walked out of the party that was going on inside, a glass in either hand probably filled with some of the alcohol that had been brought by some of the Machinima staff.

They were having their reunion tonight and Sark had been waiting for his wife to turn up for the past two hours.

"Still hasn't shown up?" APL asked handing Sark a glass.

Sark shook his head staring into the dark liquid before lifting it to his lips and starting to drink it in one.

It took less than three seconds for the liquid to stop flowing into his mouth and Sark locked eyes with APL who was staring at him with wide eyes.

"What man?" He asked

APL laughed slightly "Nothing dude!"

Sark laughs lightly as well taking the other glass from APLs hand and downing that in one as well.

"Hey that was mine!" Exclaimed APL

Sark merely grinned at him.

"I'm re thinking my whole life here APL!" He said dramatically as the strong alcohol started taking affect on Sarks mind "We've been growing apart lately and now she's stood me up and my life is over forever as no one else will ever love me!"

APL smiled slightly, the slight annoyance at Sark stealing his drink gone in those few seconds of the taller mans drunken outburst about his true feelings.

"Look man," said APL "I'm sorry about your wife..."

Sark smiled weakly

"Don't worry about me APL," Sark sighed "The divorce was going to happen soon anyway...I just thought we were going to work things out."

APL smiled to himself, a plan forming in his mind.

"Come inside dude," he said "She's obviously not coming so at least have a good time with me. We can dance have a few drinks..."

Sark looked at APL with an eyebrow raised before shaking his head and smirking to himself.

"Yeah that'll be fun!"

APL grinned and took the two glasses from Sarks hands and placing them on the pavement before taking his hand and leading him inside.

Sark winced slightly as the thumping bass hurt his ears slightly but he let APL lead him into that dance floor.

Now they were on the dance floor it was APL who was flustered and Sark was the one who was more confident.

He wrapped his arm across APLs shoulders and leant his head on his neck.

APL put one of his hands on Sarks hip and their free hands were intertwined.

They started a small awkward waltz that didn't fit with the loud bass music blasting through the speakers.

Ignoring the confused looks around them Sark turned his mouth to whisper slightly drunkenly in APLs ear.

"Now I'm back on the market..."

Sark didn't even have to finish because APL grabbed Sarks face and kissed him quickly before grinning at him.

"I don't plan on being your wife Sark, but I can start by being your boyfriend!"

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