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Chris Trott and Alex Smith from Hat films


"It's just your average butt bruising down the public toilets, eh Trott?"

Kim and Ross laughed at another innuendo.

Smith and Trott had been making rather sexual references for a while now, a lot of them directed at Trott.

This wasn't the first video either.

In another of Kims videos Trott had been upside down with his legs intertwined with Smith's. The Yogscast had just laughed it off.

So had Trott, at first, but now it was starting to grate on his nerves.

Trott sighed and glared at Smith as Kim started up another round of Joust.

As Trott crouched to begin making his way over to Ross and Kim, a intense pain suddenly erupted in his "trouser region".

All of the others laughed as Trott awkwardly sat down in his chair again.

"What happened?" Asked Kim laughing

"I came up behind him," laughed Smith

Trott laughed along with the others but all the while plotting what to do about Smith.


"Thanks for playing with me guys," said Kim as the Hat films boys left the livestream room, they hadn't been streaming but it had the green screen in it that they needed.

"Bye Kim," said Ross as he shut the door behind him "I'm going to see Duncan guys, do you want to come?"

"No we don't," answered Trott "I need to talk to Smith."

"Okay but go easy on him Trott."

As Ross walked one way down the corridor, Smith and Trott walked the other way down to the Hat Films office.

They walked into the office and Trott shut the door behind them.

"What's up Trotty-boy?" Asked Smith

Trott glared at him as Smith sat down at his desk.

"Don't play dumb with me," said Trott angrily "What was that all about Smith?"

"What do you mean?"

"You punched me in the balls!"

"Don't you know anything Trott?"

"What on earth are you on about?"

Smith leant back in his chair, his hands behind his head.

"Punching someone means you like them."

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