John GreenXReader

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John Green X Reader.

Prompt requested by Kayleighmarsh

Sorry it took me so long Kay.

;) leave me prompts


You get off the bus and look up at the building in front of you in disbelief.

Is this really where he wanted you to meet?

You grab your phone out of your bag and check the message he sent you with the address on it.

This really was the place.

No wonder the bus driver looked at you weirdly when you told him the address and then told him you were meeting a guy their for your first date.

Who has their first date at a Tescos supermarket?

You sigh before pulling your jacket tighter around yourself as a cold breeze seems to chill you right to the bone.

'Ominous,' you think to yourself before walking in through the automatic doors.

You look up and see a sign for the cafe directing you to your right and you follow it around the back of the tills.

You walk over to it and you see the person you had arranged to meet is sitting at a table a little way away from most of the other customers in the cafe.

It's him.

John Green.

He raises a hand to wave at you and you awkwardly wave back before turning your back on him to order a drink.

The cashier gives you your drink and you hand over some coins to pay for it before walking over to Johns table.

You put it down on the table as he stands up and holds his hand out to you.

You take his hand hand and shake it awkwardly before sitting down.

"Hey good to see you (y/n)," he says sitting back down opposite you.

"Yeah good to see you as well John," you say.

You go to take your drink off the table but it gets stuck slightly to the table.

You pull it off and drink it quickly before putting the half full drink back on the table.

John grins at you sipping at his tea.

You find yourself smiling at him as he starts laughing at the story he tells you about what he thought when he first met you.

You had met when you bumped into him in town and caused him to drop his new manuscripts in a puddle.

"Even knowing you'd ruined my books that I'd spent a long time on, I knew that it was worth it for this date I got you to come on."

You smile slightly remembering that day.

You suddenly remember what you wanted to give him.

You reach into your bag and pull out a new manuscript for him.

When it had fallen in the puddle, you had picked it up and dried it out and copied it out for him.

John takes it from you grinning, he takes your hand smiling.

You blush a little and you suddenly find yourself enjoying your date a lot more.

When it's time for you to leave he arranges to meet you next week to do something together again.

As you walk home a thought springs to your mind about this impending date.

It had better not be at a sainsburys!

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