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Duncan Jones and Rythian from the Yogscast

As requested by

This is a teen cast fanfiction which means all of the yogs are teenagers!

Please please please leave prompts!!!!

Rythian tapped his pencil on his desk earning a few glares from the people sitting around him.

He didn't care really.

There was only five minutes left of class until lunch.

Until he could see Duncan.

Duncan was his boyfriend of three years, two months and six days, Rythian had kept count.

The two of them had decided to keep their relationship a secret, much to Duncan's disappointment, because even though Duncan was sure his friends would accept Rythian, Rythian wasn't sure if people would be happy about him dating a boy let alone Duncan.

You see Duncan was considered one of the most unpopular boys in school and as Rythian was meant to be the schools heart throb he knew that hardly anyone would be happy with his choice to be with Duncan.

Rythian was expected to go out with one of the cheerleaders, like Zoey or Kim, not a dweeby little boy.

But Rythian was gay and he loved Duncan.

It's just no one else could know that yet.

As the clock reminded him there was only three minutes left until he could spend time with Duncan, his tapping intensified until Teep reached over from the desk next to his and wordlessly took the pencil from him and placed it on the desk before returning to the maths problems the class was supposed to be working on.

Rythian glared at him momentarily wishing that it was his funny blonde boyfriend sitting next to him rather than his silent companion.

Rythian was sat in a Lower Maths class whilst Duncan was in a Higher Science class.

Rythian didn't care that people thought he was stupid, school only lasted until he was eighteen and then he could go out and do whatever he wanted, with his smart Duncan to support him.

As the clock started ticking through the last ten seconds Rythian picked up his pencil and held it between his thumb and fore finger.


Rythian threw the pencil at Teep as the lunch bell went and he grabbed his backpack and began to push his way through the students trying to get to lunch first.

He weaved his way through the students trying to get to the cafeteria and he made his way outside.

Rythian smiled to himself as he caught a glimpse of a familiar pair of goggles and white lab coat making their way behind some bushes at the edge of the school field.

Hoisting his back pack higher on his shoulder, Rythian followed making sure that no one was watching him.

As he reaches the bushes he looked around to see Duncan leaning against a tree waiting for him.

Rythian sat with his back leant up against the tree and smiled up at Duncan as the latter sat in between his legs so they were sat chest to back.

Rythian leaned down and kissed Duncan softly as the latter leaned up eagerly to meet his kiss.

"Duncan," Rythian began "I..."

"Ryth! What are you doing?!"

The two boys looked up in shock to see Zoey, Kim, Sips and Teep standing in front of them.

All of them wore similar looks of confusion and hatred.

Rythian and Duncan stood up.

"You'd better have a good explanation for kissing this jerk Rythian!" Said Kim glaring at Duncan.

Rythian smiled a little to himself.

"I have a perfectly good reason for why I'm kissing this jerk," said Rythian, ignoring the smirks from his 'friends' and the look of worry from Duncan.

"I love him."

Teep, Kim, Zoey and Sips gasped as Rythian took a step towards them.

"And if any of you say anything bad about him again," he growled "You'll have me to answer too. Understood?!"

The girls and Sips nodded before running away quickly.

Teep smiled at Duncan and Rythian and calmly walked away with his hands in the pockets of his dark green hoodie.


Rythian turned to look at Duncan who was grinning at him.

"Yeah Dunc?"

"I love you too."

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