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Jack walked into work again and wasn't surprised to see a bright pink post it note attached to his monitor. They had been appearing the last couple of days and Jack always looked forward to seeing them now.

It read -
You looked very handsome yesterday. I'm sure green hair is against company policy but you look wonderful.
~ <3

Jack smiled and opened his top desk drawer and put it alongside the others that had been appearing for about a month. He grinned as he read some of them briefly.

You look so cute, I wish I could tell you myself but this note will have to do
~ <3

I heard everyone commenting about Bob's new hair and saying how nice it was. Don't worry yours is much better.
~ <3

Looking at that particular note gave Jack an idea. He realised that the mystery leaver of these notes often mentioned other coworkers.

'Maybe if I check these notes then the one person who isn't mentioned must be the person who left these notes!' He thought to himself.

He took a list of coworkers out of a file on his desk and looked over the ten names on it. They were only a small company so luckily that meant he wouldn't have to search too long to work out who his secret admirer was.

He shifted through the notes and crossed off names as he saw them mentioned. Soon there was only one name left and after checking and double checking there was no doubt that the person who was leaving these notes was none other that Jack's own boss.

Mark Fischbach

Jack blushed as he realised this fact and began imagining the dark haired man writing these notes. His large hand holding the pen gently as he thought about what to say. His strong muscles straining against his work attire. His perfect lips....

"Thinking hard about something Jack?"

A chuckle behind him made him start and he turned to see Mark standing behind him. Jack tried to act calm and hide some of the notes on his desk.

"You cleaning out your desk?" Asked Mark oblivious.

He walked over as Jack turned back to face his desk so they stood chest to back looking at Jack's stuff.

As there was a long silence as Mark took in the notes and finally the list of names, with his own being the only one not scribbled out, Jack noticed he could feel Mark's heart hammering against his back.

"Do you uh...?" Mark asked awkwardly "Did you like getting these notes...?"

Jack fought back a blush as he nodded.

" you like the person who wrote them for you?"

Jack paused, glancing over at Mark's name still standing out proudly on that list, with a smile before nodding again.

He felt Mark let out a warm breath on his neck before large hands encircled his small waist, palms pressing into his stomach to bring them even closer. Mark pressed his lips onto Jack's neck as Jack threaded his hand up into Mark's thick locks.

"Are you free tonight?" Mark mumbled against Jack's pale skin.

Jack looked down, though a little distractedly, at his schedule. There was a few things he was supposed to do tonight. He quickly grabbed a pen and crossed through them, much to Mark's amusement.

"I am now."

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