Natepat #2 (Steph and Morgan ending)

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A commenter on my last chapter asked for an ending on my last chapter for Steph and Morgan.

I'm really grateful for the comment and suggestion.

So this is for you Itmy06


Steph wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath to steady herself.

She looked across the room to see her Nidorina sitting there looking comfortingly over at her before it stood up and walked over, jumping into Stephs outstretched arms to be with her.

She sighed, stood up, then headed downstairs.

She began to feel sad again as she saw Matts belongings were still she had left them earlier but the man who they belonged to was nowhere in sight.

'Pull yourself together Stephanie,' she thought to herself, taking a deep breath 'He can be happy with Nate. So I can be happy as well.'

Nidorina padded at Stephs chest trying to get her trainers attention and making small noises of confusion at the same time.

Steph looked down at her Pokemon and managed a small smile.

The two of them were very close friends, partly due to Stephs love and partly because of Stephs protectiveness which meant the Nidorina was never in battles, creating a safe environment for the two of them.

Steph sighed and walked into the kitchen trying to find her jacket and spotted that her letter for Mathew had been opened and another piece of paper had been left next to it, almost certainly from Mathew in her mind.

She read the short sentence written on it in Matts familiar neat hand writing.

She felt tears spring to her eyes and blinked rapidly grabbing her jacket that she had spotted on a nearby chair and pulled it on, hurrying out of the house.

Steph walked almost blindly as she wiped the tears from her eyes, once again trying to find that calm she had tried so hard to find.

She soon found her tears had stopped coming so she stopped walking and looked around, attempting to make sense of the surroundings that her blind panicked walking had led her to.

Looking ahead she realised she was witnessing the last thing she wanted to see.

Even though she was happy for Matt that he was able to start his new life with Nate, she didn't want to have ever ended up being in the same park as them and watching them get together.

Yet she couldn't help but watch as the two embraced each other.

It seemed odd to Steph that she was able to stand watching the man she loved move on so quickly but she felt as if she should wait, as if sanding here watching would benefit her in any way at all.

Funnily enough, it would benefit her a lot.

For one voice would help change her life forever, just by waiting and watching.

"Hey, Stephanie. How are you?"

She turned around to find Morgan standing behind her.

"Oh hey Morgan," she greeted before thinking about Morgans question "And I'm..."

Steph turned back towards Nate and Matt and gestured helplessly.

Steph looked at Morgan in surprise as the other girl took her hand and held it, running her thumb over the back of Stephs hand.

The motion was comforting an it was exactly what Steph needed at that moment.

Morgan said nothing but a light blush had risen on her cheeks as Steph stared at her.

Steph found herself blushing as she looked at the other girl and squeezed her hand back looking towards each other.

Neither of them knew what would happen between them now.

But they both knew one thing for certain...

Their future together seemed almost as perfect as Nate and Matts.

Possibly even better.

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