Thunderstorm ~Fluff~

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///Third Person POV///


Xavier jolted awake from the lightning and thunder. He sat up and rubbed his temples. He looked over to the clock. It read: 2:24 am. Xavier sighed. He flopped back down on his back. He turned to his side, expecting his warm, cuddly bunny to be there. But instead was met with cold, empty sheets.

Xavier sat up again, scanning the room. "Bunny?"


"Alex, where are you?"



Xavier swiftly turned to the closet. He heard a yelp. And, is that... crying?

Xavier got out of bed and walked over to the closet. He opened it to find his boyfriend huddled in the corner, knees to his chest, head in his arms, crying. Xavier immediately knelt down and rubbed circles on Alex's back.

Alex looked up with red puffy eyes and flushed tear-stained cheeks. He jumped into Xavier's arms and sobbed into his neck making his shirt damp.


Lightning struck down and Alex jolted in fear.

Xavier whispered, "Hey, shh... You're okay. I'm right here."

Xavier picked up his frightened bunny bridal style. He placed him on the bed and got in beside him. He covered them both up with the comforters and held him close.

Alex held onto Xavier as if his life depended on it. He hated to admit it, but Alex was terrified of thunderstorms. Another crash from the lightning and Alex had wrapped his arms around Xavier's stomach and his legs around his waist.

Xavier was petting Alex's hair and humming a soft tune he knew Alex liked, sending vibrations through his chest to Alex's face.

Alex giggled from the tickles. 

"...Xay?" Alex looked up at him.

Xavier stopped humming and looked down at his lover. "Yeah, bunny?"

Alex's cheeks flushed a little brighter. Another clash of thunder and Alex squeezed Xavier a little tighter.

Xavier giggled and lifted his bunny's chin. He leaned down and kissed him.

Alex melted into the kiss and, put arms around Xavier's neck and, pulled him closer.

Xavier towered over Alex and kissed him sweetly. Alex rubbed circles on his boyfriend's pecs, brushing over his nipples a couple of times before pulling the shirt off his stomach, showing his toned body. He ran his hands over his soft abs, making Xavier groan into the kiss before pulling away.

"Bunny, it's 2:30 am, we can't. As much as I want you to feel better, I'm tired and would like to get a few more hours of sleep," Xavier said, rubbing Alex's cheek with one of his hands, the other propped up on its elbow to keep him steady.

Alex whined but knew he was right. If they had sex, they'd be exhausted the whole day.


Alex flinched and looked into Xavier's eyes. Xavier saw fear. He hugged Alex and pulled him close, humming the tune from before and playing with his hair.

Alex sighed and closed his eyes, soon falling asleep.

Xavier could hear his soft snores and smiled.

Xavier fell asleep holding his bunny.


Alex woke up to a tray of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. With little strawberries and blueberries decorating the breakfast.

The rain had stopped so Alex was feeling better and wasn't scared anymore.

"Good morning, bunny."

Alex turned his head to see Xavier walking in holding a glass of orange juice.

"Are you feeling better?" He said, placing the glass on the bedside table.

Alex nodded and started eating his pancakes happily.

Xavier sat on the edge of the bed and petted Alex's leg through the blankets. Then he dared to try and take a piece of bacon.

Alex saw this coming from a mile away and swatted the grabby hand. Xavier whined and made a dramatic 'humph'.

Alex's giggles melted Xavier's heart.

Xavier laid his head on Alex's arm, trapping it and forcing him to look at his puppy eyes. 

"Pretty please?" Xavier said in a cute voice, blinking up at Alex. He knew he could only take so much cuteness.

Alex rolled his eyes and gave in, putting a piece of bacon in Xavier's mouth. Then played with his fluffy hair.

After Xavier finished the bacon piece, he kissed Alex's cheek.

"Thank you, bunny."

"You're welcome," Alex replied.

Xavier sat next to Alex and rubbed circles on his back, watching him eat his food.

///The End///

Word Count: 700.

Authors Note: I loved this one!! It was super cute. But now I like, seriously need to sleep. It's like 1:00 am.

Requests: ------>

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