1 | Looked Like A School Boy

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The alarm goes off loudly at 7 AM. Jungkook wakes up with a slight headache. He clutches onto his head with a groan. His head was spinning. He yawns getting up and goes to make himself a hangover soup.

One dish that he learned by heart because of his casual party nights.

Finishing the soup lazily, he gets ready for the college.

He locks the apartment before throwing the keys in his bag. He pats on his bike's engine before racing off.

Jungkook stops at the red signal light. He looks at the timer, only a few seconds left before the light turns green. His un-interested gaze suddenly falls on a small boy who came to stand in the middle of the road.

He sticks his hand out to stop the traffic while a dog crosses the road with her 3 pups behind. Jungkook looks at him rolling his eyes mentally.

There were only 3 seconds left, Jungkook starts his bike again and finds the small boy bowing gratefully before he runs to get aside on the footpath. He crouches down to pet the fur babies.

Jungkook sees him doing all such silly stuff from his peripheral vision while taking the turn to his college. He scoffs.


"Ayy broo JKeyyy... Come here... Take your seat..." He was called by the famous bullies of the college. Everyone looked in his direction for a second before looking away instantly.

Jungkook sighs with boredom and walks in without making any eye contact and sits at his designated seat. He hates college every passing day.

One of the boys encircles his shoulder. "You know bro, that chick from last time... She was amazing in bed."

Jungkook coughs and looks at Rawn with an eyebrow raised. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asks looking at all four of them intimidatingly.

"We made her drink a lot and covered her eyes with a cloth saying you like such things. She thought I was you when I fucked her!!!" Rawn hooted in his praise, making Jungkook poke his cheek with his tongue.

"Don't you dare do it again. Do whatever you want but in your own name. Don't involve me in your play!" Jungkook gritted out before huffing, his eyes dark with anger.

The 4 "friends" of his snicker. "Don't be silly now JKeyy. We are friends. And friends should share..." Sam said this time. Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked outside the window.

He sometimes wonders why are these bullies in his curriculum? They could have been in any other class but why arts? Is arts that easy?

First 3 classes get over with the 4 boys constantly talking about which girl to go out with tonight. They are Rawn, Chen, Tan & Sam.

The bell rings announcing the 1 hour break period for the whole college. Jungkook gets up from his seat to go to cafeteria.

"Kook..." The same voice that calls out to him almost every day reaches his ear. His shoulders stiffen. He closes his eyes and keeps walking ahead. "Kook... Listen to-"

"I'm Jkey! Stop calling me Kook like we know each other. It's annoying!" He yells and leaves the older male standing alone in the corridor.

Jungkook was just able to calm himself down when he hears Tan yelling with excitement in the corner of the cafeteria. "Yaaah Chennnn, have you seen that boy. I heard he transferred here from Busan."

Jungkook's ears perk up at Busan.
"He is from dance major - 2nd year." Tan continues.

"How do you know every detail? Are you a spy or something..." Chen asks laughing.
"It's a secret but... that one night stand with the administration department girl worked..." He whispers the last line in his ear.

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