37 | Dumb Rude Ass Big Buff Man

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"How long have you been up..."
"It's been a while..."
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I tried to get up, but you were holding so tight...

Jungkook was back-hugging him the whole night. He slowly removes his arm from above him.

Jimin gets up from the bed, not looking back for even once. His cheeks were red. "Also I didn't want you to wake up alone thinking I left your side last night..."

A smile comes upon Jungkook's face, he pulls him back on the bed with his wrist. Jimin gasps. His heart starts to beat fast when Jungkook spoons him out of nowhere and places his head above his head.

"Thank you for being here..." Jungkook mumbles and Jimin can't help but smile.
"I think I was so out of character last night... My emotions were all over the place since I have resisted them for so long."

"It's not healthy to lock your emotions..." Jimin whispers, his voice gone from the butterflies he was feeling in this moment.

"You always managed to bring some out..." Jungkook smiles on his head.

He doesn't know what he will do with the current situation with his "mom." May be go see her atleast? He'll decide later.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Thankyou for bringing them out."
"Are you still drunk? Thanking me twice?" Jimin asks him curiously, making Jungkook chuckle and nuzzle his hair.

It increases Jimin's pulse and his breathing.
"You are really funny. I really like you!" Jungkook stretches with a yawn.

Jimin's heart stops for a moment. He taps on Jungkook's arm to let him go.

Without turning back he gets up from the bed and runs for the door. "Jimin..." He was about to exit but stopped. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

His eyes widen and his breathing gets irregular. He turns to look back and whispers, "What?"

"I meant it last night... I like you too..." Jungkook walks towards Jimin who is too stunned to say anything.

"I'm not saying it because I'm drunk. I'm not saying it because I'm upset because of the lady I used to call Mom in my childhood." Jimin shakes his head while Jungkook moves ahead slowly.

"Do you want me to prove it to you?" He asks and cups his face. Jimin blinks his eyes and comes back to his senses. "Huh?"

Before he knows it, Jungkook leans down to place a kiss on his cheek.

He just wanted to thank him for simply existing in his life but words were not enough.

Jimin closes his eyes and clenches his fists beside him. His face heats up along with turning red. "Do you believe me now?" His heartbeats are louder than Jungkook's voice at this moment.

He opens his mouth to reply but before he can answer, Jungkook is leaning down again.

Jimin closes his eyes when their breaths mingle for a second and Jungkook places a wet kiss on his another cheek. "I like you from a long time..."

"Yes!" Jimin speaks hurriedly. Jungkook looks at him confused. Jimin speaks again, "Yes... I'll be your boy-boyfriend..." he didn't want to get abrupted again.

Jungkook smiles widely, feeling light hearted after all that happened yesterday. After how he opened up in front of Jimin, he just feels so light in front of him. Like he doesn't have to mask anything before him.

Jimin shyly smiles before he runs away to his own room. He goes straight to the mirror and stares at himself. Smiling the most beautifully. His heart is not ready to calm down at all.

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