48 | Go Touch Some Grass Jungkook!

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There was a knock on the door. Jimin goes to check through the spy hole, and opens it once he sees Jungkook. "Took you lo(ng)-" He couldn't complete when Jungkook suddenly pushed him into the wall.

He closed the door with his leg. "Are you drunk..." Jimin whispers when he smells alcohol. Jungkook doesn't reply, only places his index finger below Jimin's chin and tilts his face up.

His eyes wander along every inch of his face. His beautiful eyes. His cute button nose. His soft cheeks, and finally the irresistible pair of lips. He doesn't know how he resisted them for so long.

His hand move on its own. He caresses the skin under his lips with his thumb before looking into his shocked eyes. "Jungkook..."

"Shhh" He whispers before his other hand works its way under his tshirt. His thumb moves to caress his cheek now. Jimin's chest rises & falls in a quick pace.

"I can't understand..." He whispers with difficulty. But Jungkook doesn't pay attention and slowly wraps his arm around Jimin's toned back before leaning closer.

Their noses touch, and breaths mingle for a few seconds before Jungkook leans down to crash his lips on his.

Jimin places his hand between their mouths, his eyes closed and breathings highly uneven. Jungkook parts away and looks at the hesitation on his face.

He leans closer again and kisses into his palm, making his heart flutter. Then he plops down on Jimin's shoulder, who barely manages to keep them both on their feet. His heart is thumping so hard.

He can't understand why Jungkook tries to kiss him all the time when they haven't confessed yet. He knows they like each other, but are they sure they love each other? The question only makes his heart race faster, as if it is trying to tell him the answer.

Jungkook grows heavier, making him come out of the trance. He pats his back once, who lazily walks to the bed and lays down on his side. Jimin drinks some water before doing the same.


The next morning, when Jimin wakes up, he sees Jungkook looking outside the window. "You woke up early..." His voice is groggy.

"My head was buzzing when I woke up. I hope I didn't do anything funny last night?" Jungkook asks smirking, making Jimin squint his eyes at him.

'So he knows?' He has decided to not bring up the topic, but now that Jungkook is clearly teasing him, he couldn't help it.

"What were trying to do last night!?"
"What?" Jungkook winks. Jimin gasps internally.
"You know what." He replies, his stomach fluttering when he remembers it.

"I really don't know what you are talking about Jimin. You need to tell me clearly."
"Why were you drunk and tried to kiss me?" Jimin asked, his cheeks almost turned red, but he controlled himself.

"Who said I was drunk?" Jungkook replied nonchalantly, smirking more, making the red on Jimin's cheeks prominent. His eyes widen.

He turns around to look away. Jungkook comes ahead to back-hug him. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable... Sometimes I just can't control myself... Told you I'm not the most patient man you'll see..."

Jimin doesn't say anything for some time. When he feels Jungkook loosening his arms around him, he clutches onto them. "Give me three days... I will be ready then... I promise..."

"Really? What's in 3 days?" Jungkook asks excitedly before stopping himself. "I mean I can wait Jimin... Don't force yourself to do anything..." He still says it, totally half-heartedly.

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