63 | Just Look Into My Eyes

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"No... Keep going..." Jimin whispers before unbuttoning Jungkook's pants. They down each other's shirts over their shoulders. Jimin's eyes fall on the mirror and he finds it arousing to look at them bare chest together.

Jungkook notices his eyes and purposefully dips down to kiss sensually at his neck.

"Aah-" Jimin gasps, his heart skips a beat. He again looks into the mirror, towards Jungkook who is kissing his neck like that.

Jungkook sucks at a spot, making his eyes get closed. At the same time, he touches his erected nubs lightly.

"Angh~" Jimin clutches at the wall behind, his stomach fluttering badly. In the middle of it, he still wanted to look at them into the mirror.

It was obscene in his eyes how Jungkook was fondling with his nipple and his face was twisted in a mix of pleasure & shyness.

Jungkook gave a final kiss to his another love bite before standing straight.

"Think again... I'm asking you for the last time? Do you think you can see me naked?" Jungkook asks, caressing Jimin's face as if he was asking something normal. Jimin nodded his head, his heartbeats picking pace once again.

Jungkook kissed Jimin on the lips as a reward before getting out of his pants. He won't lie, even he was suddenly nervous about this. Jimin's eyes moved to Jungkook's crotch area, and he was visibly hard.

Jungkook's whole body was turning red under Jimin's gaze. He placed one hand behind his back before pulling him closer. Jimin's heart jumped when he unzipped his pants, and his thumb brushed his hardness mistakenly, or may be it was intentional.

Jimin suddenly hugged Jungkook when his pants were finally off his body. It was a beautiful feeling. Their bodies, warm, and flushed together like that. Jungkook wrapped his arms around him and kissed his shoulder.

Jimin smiled before they shared another sweet kiss; then another, a little rushed; and finally one that led them to stand beneath the shower. Jungkook hooked one finger in his underwear, making Jimin's heart drop for a second.

"Jungkook..." He whispered suddenly. Jungkook stopped, a little disheartened. "I'm scared I might get weirded out when I see you looking at me like that..."

Jungkook wanted to smile at him, but sexual tension he was feeling at this moment was overpowering that. He looked to his side and his eyes fell on the bathrobes.

They both wear it. Without waiting for a second, Jungkook removed his last piece of clothing from under it. Jimin felt his stomach twisting badly, but he too removed his underwear.

"Do you want to touch yourself? Or will you let me do it?" He asked, his breathing worked up. "I'm extremely hard Jimin, think fast baby..." he whispers, pushing him back until he was standing against a wall.

Jimin played with his bathrobe's knot, he was shy beyond his expectations but was wanting to break through. He looked up at Jungkook's face, who looks extremely hot with that expression. "W-Want to feel you..."

Jungkook didn't take another second. He was highly turned on with the idea of feeling Jimin against himself, skin to skin. His member twitched at the imagination alone. It was hot.

"Just look into my eyes, leave the rest to me." Jungkook whispered, stroking himself under the cloth. Jimin looked into his eyes only. His gaze was overpowered with lust. He could feel himself getting harder.

Jungkook pressed himself above him before lifting the bathrobes up, removing the barrier between them.

"Nnghh~" "Ahh~" Both moaned sweetly and closed their eyes as soon as their erections touched. Their skin flushed warm.

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