3 | Pushed Back Into The Toilet

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He bumps into a chest, and an arm wraps around him to save him from falling on his butt. "Careful..." He hears a deep voice and looks up with blurry eyes. The man smiles kindly, as if to ease his nerves down.

Jimin moves out of his hold instantly. Seeing a really handsome man in front of him, he feels even more inferior and hastily wipes his eyes before whispering a small Sorry.
"It's alright..."

He enters his classroom and takes his seat beside Eunwoo. Before he could ask what happened to him, the teacher entered the class.


During the one hour break, Jimin feels a light tap on his shoulder. He turns back to find the same guy from morning, but this time with a wide grin. Jimin smiles too, a little awkward.

"Hi Jimin. I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to finally meet you." Jimin looks at him surprised. "Do you know me?" He points a finger at himself. Both Eunwoo & Taehyung smile softly at his action.

"Everyone knows you here. Even those who shouldn't know you!" Jimin's forehead fills with creases. He was confused.

"Actually, we have a lot of different hair color in our college, but you are the only one with that cotton candy pink hair." Jimin smiled shyly.

"I haven't really seen you in this class before..." Jimin asks.
"Oh, I was down with fever... So..." Taehyung replies, his gaze extremely soft while looking at him.

Eunwoo gives his notes to Taehyung who thanks him for the help. Jimin looks at their interaction silently. He's just too shy to start a conversation.

"I heard about you yesterday from a friend." Taehyung suddenly started, making Jimin look at him again.

"So today, I was low-key waiting for you to show up... I was just curious okay." He completes with a sheepish smile, making Jimin chuckle shyly, shaking his head.

Taehyung from Morning and Taehyung now are literally two different personalities. He was so intimidating earlier, but now Jimin finds him easy to talk to.

Eunwoo goes to his literary club after the break. He is majoring in Literature. Taehyung is majoring in Arts.

After break, he shows Jimin how Art Room and Dance Studio are side by side. They part ways for the rest of the day.


After the classes were over, Jimin went to administration department. He informed Mr. Bang that he is taking Music as his minor subject.

He went to the washroom before leaving college.

After taking care of his nature's call when he opened his door, he saw the same guy who was with him in the same washroom stall one day ago.

His sleeves were rolled back and his tattooed arm took his attention for a minute. Now he looks more scary than yesterday. Is he judging him now!? He shouldn't.

Jungkook was washing his face, splashing water onto it. His eyes caught Jimin staring at him through the mirror.
"What?" He asked in a cold tone.

Jimin shook his head embarrassed. He was about to come out to wash his hands when he heard Rawn in a distance.

'Is he coming here???' His eyes widened and brain freezed to take any action.

Before he could react, he was being pushed back into the toilet.

Jungkook went out of the washroom. "Jeykeyyyyyyyyy" Rawn shouts, making him roll his already annoyed eyes.

He walks out to the parking lot and starts the engine before sitting on it. "Are you coming for the party?? That girl who keeps following you will be there too!!"

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