7 | Breaking Rules Means Punishment

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"I haven't seen our pink candy boy today. I wanted to have some fun in teasing him." Tan was talking with his team while walking in the cafeteria.

Jungkook was sitting at a table, hearing all these things. It's been 14 months of him being with them for no reason.

Actually, it's the other way around. They have been with him for the last 14 months.

They all get some food and sit around him on his table. "Hey JKeyy broo... You wanna know an interesting thing?"

Jungkook shakes his head in No, clearly uninterested and sips on his coffee.

"Okay so listen. When you closed the door on our faces, we had to call an emergency bros' one night stand. It was fun... All thanks to you for not letting us in." Rawn tells him anyway.

Sam jumped into the conversation saying he has more fun thing to share. "We were just about to get that candy boy at the college exit the other day." Jungkook's eyebrow twitched involuntarily.

Sam continued "But that senior saved him! Namjoon Sunbae!! He still scares me I don't know why!" Jungkook's fingers tightened around the tetra pack of his cold coffee.

"Bro don't you think you are a good match against him? Why don't you do one on one with Senior Namjoon, and win this battle for your friend?"

Jungkook finishes his coffee and gets up from his seat with an uninterested look. He throws the trash in the bin before walking away to his practice room.

He behaves this way with them and still they stick with him all the time. Not because they have fun being around him. Simply because they have claimed him as one of them.

Jungkook was stronger. Almost like Namjoon. And just to feel the equal status as the gods of college, they started hanging around him.

//Ewwww Grosss...//

Jungkook hears the familiar voice of his roommate and finds him with someone he has seen but doesn't know the name of. They both were eating something, giggling together about God knows what.

"That man will probably eat him at the end of the day!" He shakes his head with a tired sigh before entering his practice room. He doesn't know why he feels tired all the time these days.


The break was soon over. Jimin and Taehyung go to their respective practice rooms.

Today, everyone was supposed to show their piece of dance they have worked in their first year. Since everyone was hip-hop, it was not new to them. When Jimin went on the stage, anticipation was high.

They all knew he is contemporary. And they looked forward to see what this small looking boy can do. The music was played. And as expected, Jimin has charmed everyone with his graceful moves. He moves every limb of his body very precisely with full control.

He got the loudest cheers of the day, that made students in other Practice Rooms to wonder what's happening in the Dance Practice Room.

Jimin's cheeks turned pink-pinkier-pinkiest!

He was grateful and was feeling happy to be recognised for his art - the only thing where he doesn't have any restrictions. He smiles proudly and bows down repeatedly before getting off the stage.

"You did so great Jimin. What are you even doing in this college? You are already a star..." Jhope says patting his back.

"Thank you so much sunbaenim..." Jimin smiles at him shyly.
"Oho... You can call me Hyung. I would like that more!"
"Thankyou so much Hobi Hyung." Jimin says smiling more wide. He just admires him a lot.

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